Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Prophet Mohammed: Satan's Muslim Child Rapist

Prophet Mohammed: Satan's Muslim Child Rapist

By: Dave Gaubatz

22 Dec 2015

Why do politicians, media, The American Public, and senior law enforcement officials shy away from directly pointing out that the founder of Islam (Mohammed) was a child rapist? Muslims are not shy about pointing out the fact that Mohammed did marry a six year old child. How many child slaves and concubines did he have? Mohammed is the example of all Muslim men to follow. Not only did they follow his lead of raping children 1400 years ago, Muslims around the world continue to openly marrying girls as young as six. Muslim men also practice this sad act in America. Islam is for the world, not just Muslim dominated countries. There is no man made law that trumps Sharia law.

In the last few days Obama's follower Mrs. Clinton has accused Donald Trump of being a recruiter for ISIS because of recent statements Trump has made against Islam and Muslims. This is the most ignorant statement to date Mrs. Clinton has made. This truly shows her lack of understanding Islam, Muslims, ISIS, and Islamic based terrorism around the world.

Islamic terrorists hate the world, they hate each other, they hate Jews and Christians, they hate their own families, they hate themselves, and they hate Obama, Clinton, Trump, and you. They also hate me. Islamic terrorists based on the basic principles of hate and violence within Islam need only the Quran as a recruiting tool. For over 1400 years they have used the Quran as their method of recruiting men and women from all corners of the world to the violent ideology of Islam.

Contrary to what Mrs. Clinton and her Master (Obama) say about Trump and his words being used to recruit more Muslim terrorists, it is just the opposite. It is taught in Islamic books, manuals, and through their Islamic scholars that Islamic terrorists admire and respect the people who are strong, who speak their minds, and who are willing to fight them. They despise weaklings such as Obama, Clinton, and liberals.

Even if it were true, which it isn't, that Trump incites Muslims to join terrorists groups, so what? When did Americans become afraid to state facts and/or their opinions on any subject, regardless if it offends others, specifically Islamic terrorists and their supporters. If 20,000 new people join ISIS today it would not prevent America and Israel from wiping them from the face of the earth, if we had a President who loved America as much as he does Islamic terrorists. Instead of a couple thousand meaningless sorties dumping bombs on non strategic sites in Syria and Iraq during the last half dozen years, we should be dropping thousands per day on ISIS strategic sites.

I ask innocent people from around the world to question why they will not openly call Prophet Mohammed a child rapist, which by any definition prescribed to child rapists, he fits the bill 100%? Are you afraid of physical retribution, verbal, or are you afraid of others calling you an Islamaphobe? These are no reasons to not stand up and call Islam and Mohammed exactly what it is. Mohammed founded Islam based on satanic values and his ideology is a dangerous threat to children around the world. I for one will speak the truth because someone needs to stand up for non Muslims, America, and especially our children. Do not allow another child to become the victim of child rapists within Islam.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Radical Islam Defined Correctly by Dave Gaubatz

Radical Muslim Properly Defined

By: Dave Gaubatz

23 Nov 2015

Going back as far as 11 Sep 2001, I have been listening to media heads, politicians, and self proclaimed counter-terrorism experts worldwide explain to the masses what a Radical Muslim is and how they became radicalized. I have listened, analyzed, and self educated myself for over 2 decades on the issue of the terms radical and radicalized.

During my hundreds of visits to mosque in America, listening to Islamic scholars, Muslim worshippers and from studying the material provided to Muslims in a mosque I have for the best part of 2 decades that the terms radical and radicalized have been falsely defined by people who should know and who for decades have been leading innocent people astray of the true definitions.

I will not use several pages to discuss issues that do not relate to the terms radical and radicalized. The simpler written is the best for all to understand. If our media, politicians, and counter-terrorism professionals are providing false information about these two very important terms, do we expect liberals to provide accurate definitions?

Ok, follow me with my basic definitions of radical and radicalized. If at the end you still do not fully understand then please contact me at davegaubatz@gmail.com and I will help clarify.

1. Radical Muslim: This term in describing a Muslim who kills innocent people, rapes and kills young girls, advocates the hatred of Israel and the Jewish people, straps on suicide vests and kill innocent people, carry out shootings and explosive attacks on people at civil and innocent events, advocates killing Christians worldwide, desires in their hearts an Islamic caliphate worldwide and have the law of the land be controlled by Sharia law, and who believes 100% that their Prophet Mohammed was a perfect human and a man to be put upon a pedestal as an example of good to all, are not Radical Muslims.

The people and their actions, beliefs, and followers of Mohammed 100% in their daily lives are not radical, they are just Muslims. These people are not being misguided by the true form of Islam, they know the actions and objectives they follow and advocate is exactly what the Quran teaches and what Prophet Mohammed advocated for them his entire life and beyond. These people are the perfect examples of a Muslim carrying out each and every aspect of Sharia law and never questioning the teachings of the Quran and Mohammed. These people have studied Islam for many years and are closer to Mohammed than any other people on earth. Some become 'Pure Muslims' at an early age and for some it takes longer. Few people will reach the utopia of Islam. possibly as low as 1 in a 1000 achieve this goal, but when they do they are the light of Islam and their numbers will be in the millions. They will flourish across all lands to form an Islamic caliphate under Sharia law.

A useful analogy: When a young boy dreams of becoming a professional major league baseball player, he knows it will take years of study and practice to elevate himself to the highest level of baseball. He will start in little league, make it to the junior high and high school levels and most people who love baseball and desire to make it to the major leagues seldom make it past high school. They have lost their love of the game and no longer want to spend their free time practicing the finer arts of baseball at a higher level.

There are a few who continue after high school and make it to a minor league program of baseball. Many linger here for years and do not have the desire, talent or willingness to make it to the highest level of baseball (Major League Baseball). You must answer a question now. Are the boys who after many years of self sacrifice and study who make it to the Major League Radical baseball players or are they boys and men who fully understand all aspects of baseball and can now play and teach others? These professional players know in their hearts and minds what real baseball is and they understand the rules and regulations by heart and are at a utopia place in their lives.

In order for the world to understand and defeat Islamic based terrorism we must come to terms with the facts that Islam, the Quran, Prophet Mohammed and Sharia law is not an ideology of peace and caring for humanity, but rather an ideology of hate and violence as the rules and regulations laid out by Mohammed were meant to be. Mohammed did not desire for Muslims and Islam to be associated with love, but instead advocated for the worldwide dominance of Islam and violence was to be used to achieve this goal.

Hopefully by now we are beginning to understand just because a person comes to a point in his or her life that they now understand completely and have a desire as Mohammed did to spread Islam through violence does not mean they are being radical. They are the 'Pure Muslims' of the world who have accepted the clear and apparent aspects of the evils of Islam and Mohammed and are willing to give their lives in order to spread evil across the world. Essentially Islam is a form of following Satan. Readers must get it out of their minds that Islam has anything to do with peace and that Mohammed was a peaceful man. Islam is aligned with Nazism and the leader of Nazis known as Hitler.

A Radicalized Muslim: Day after day we are forced to listen to the media, politicians, and counter-terrorism professionals describe to us how a person goes through various steps to become 'radicalized'. I consider their misunderstanding of Islam and Muslims to be a far greater national security threat than all Islamic based terrorists combined. These people who should have a better understanding of Islam are misleading the world when they say a person who just bombed innocent people for instance in Paris became radicalized. These Muslims did not become radicalized. They became 'Pure Muslims' because they have studied harder than their peers to understand and carry out the objectives of their Prophet Mohammed.

If my analysis of what a radical Muslim is or how the term radicalized is misleading, who are the millions of people who relate to Islam, but never make it to the Utopia level of fully understanding Islam and becoming 'Pure Muslims'? These people are the apostates of Islam. They do not fully accept Islam, Sharia law, or the total teachings and understand of Prophet Mohammed. These are people that 'Pure Muslims' are killing in large numbers around the world.

Mosques are the little league fields, high school fields, minor league fields and for some the path to the major leagues. The objectives of all Imams teaching at mosques is to get their followers to become 'Pure Muslims' by accepting the real truths of Islam and what Prophet Mohammed desired. Mosques are the breeding grounds for the practicing of pure evil by pure Muslims.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

No Muslim or Muslim Supporter As President

Absolutely No Muslim or Muslim Supporter For President

By: Dave Gaubatz

21 Sept 2015

Presidential runner Ben Carson is partially correct. He is correct in saying no Muslim should be the President of the United States. Not a whole lot more to be said about this, except to explain why. In accordance with Islam a Muslim cannot hold allegiance to any land, country, or government. CAIR and it's terrorists within know this to be true. This Islamic terrorist organization stationed near the White House sends pamphlets to U.S. school leaders informing them that Islamic students may wish to not stand for the U.S. flag or say the 'Pledge of Allegiance' because Islam advocates no allegiance to anything or anyone aside from Allah and Islam.

The President of the United States is also our military's Commander in Chief. The Islamic ideology is the number one threat to the world and America. America could never be secure from Islamic terrorism if a Muslim who holds allegiance to Islam is our military Commander. This should be common knowledge that one's enemy should not be the decision maker of the free world. Yes my friends, it is Islam that is the enemy of America, individual Muslims are one's who simply carry out the orders prescribed by Islam's founder Mohammed.

The Fallacy of the Moderate Muslim

In accordance with Islam there is only one type of Muslim. That is a Pure Muslim who adheres to all aspects of Shariah law and not a person who picks and chooses which one he or she wants to live by. A person who identifies with Islam by picking and choosing what parts of Islam he/she wants to adhere to is simply an apostate of Islam. So in short this means a true and pure Muslim as described by Islam's Prophet Mohammed advocates for the good and also the unacceptable aspects of Sharia. For instance a pure Muslim desires to pray five times a day (nothing wrong with that), but also advocates and adheres to child marriage or otherwise known as child rape (very serious problems with this). Remember the founder and the most loved person in Islam is their Prophet Mohammed. Mohammed could do no wrong and is the forever model of an Islamic man. Again this means pure Muslims follow a man who married six year old children and raped them at his whim. This man would be in prison today and be beaten to death by his fellow prisoners.

I encourage readers to review my prior article 'The Fallacy of the Moderate Muslim'. One will then understand there are no good Muslims. This is not to say there are not good people who associate with Islam, but these people are no more than apostates of Islam and are not Muslims as many people believe they are. One simply can't follow a child rapist and be a good person. No amount of placating by Obama, Clinton, or CAIR leaders will ever make a child rapist or their supporters a good person. Do you believe a child rapist or a person who gives money and support to a child rapist and their cause a good person? If you do you have no more allegiance to America and God than a pure Muslim does.

Carson was wrong to not include supporters of Islam an automatic disqualifier for the position of President. If you support Islam and publically say that Islam is a peaceful religion and has been hijacked by a few bad Muslims, you are not qualified to be America's President. This rules out about 12 of the 15 remaining republican candidates. This rules out every liberal in America. So who should be the next U.S. President?

The next President should meet the following requirements as a minimum:

1. Be born in America.

2. Have 100% allegiance to America and God.

3. Publically state Islam is evil and anyone who supports the Islamic ideology is an enemy of America.

4. Have a strong desire to destroy the Islamic ideology and it's branding as a peaceful religion that has been hijacked by a few.

5. Stop the immigration of any person who aligns with Islam as a Muslim or supporter of Islam.

6. Support Israel.

Will we end up with a person who is strong enough and vocal enough to describe Islam as the evil it is? No. Unfortunately we will end up with another politician who will bow to the Saudi government and to Islam worldwide. America will join the countries such as Germany, France, Norway and dozens of others who have tried being accommodating to Islam and Muslims. Essentially America will fall to the evils of Islam. Our only real hope is that Israel will come to our rescue.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pending Civil War in America

While a U.S. Federal Agent it was my responsibility to gather all evidence on a particular issue pertaining to the security of the U.S. government. Then I analyzed each and every piece so I could determine if an issue was a security threat to America and more importantly determine methods to minimize the threat.

Over the last ten years I have analyzed hundreds of pieces of individual data related to a possible civil war in America. It is my thought that within the next 2 -4 years Americans will be activley fighting one another. There will be millions on the left who want the federal government to control virtually all aspects of a persons life, and there will be millions on the right who will stand up and fight for the U.S. Constituion to be the law of the land. The right will not allow freedom of speech or the owning of firearms to be taken from them.

As during the civil war in the 1860's, it will be brother against brother and father against sons and daughter. This civil war will be different from the 1860's civil war. Millions of women from the right and left will fight.

The conclusion to the civil war will be an overthrow of the controlling federal government at the time of war and senior U.S. military leaders will fight with the people on the right to assure the rights of Americans will be maintained as our forefathers intended.

My conclusion does not mean I desire another civil war in America, it only means I have studied and reviewed numerous pieces of evidence and America will again fight each other inside our country.

God Bless America and our Children. Dave Gaubatz

Monday, August 10, 2015

Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump

We all know Nancy Pelosi is a whiny, child acting, and a bully. Megyn Kelly now in my book ranks right beside Pelosi. I had always respected Kelly for the professional manner she discussed current news and major world events. Her behavior during the debate and personal attack on Donald Trump was childish and she has now proved she is no better than O'Reilly in his bully tactic styled media reporting.

Kelly has now got herself plugged into the political equation of possibly who the next President of the United States will be. This is wrong, just as it is equally wrong regarding the manner MSNBC, ABC, and NBC conduct their reporting. We expect this from MSNBC, but not Fox News.

My approval rating for Fox is now almost as equal to that of CNN. I encourage Americans to boycott Kelly and switch to CNN during her show time. Dave Gaubatz

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Research Inside America's Mosques

If you want to assist Dave in conducting firsthand research inside America's "Most Dangerous Mosques" please contact him at davegaubatz@gmail.com or 804-836-4675 The research is expensive. If you can provide accommodations, travel expenses, use of a vehicle, or desire to become a sponsor of Dave please email or call him. All results of the research will be provided to the public immediately after the mosque visit.

Obama is leading this country into an almost certain civil war. Whose side are you on? Dave G.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Demise of America

The Demise of America

3 July 2015

By: Dave Gaubatz

It has been several months since I have written any counterterrorism articles. During this period I have been to several mosques and conducted individual research studies. I cannot stress enough that America is in serious trouble.

All across our beautiful country we are surrounded by the enemy which is Islam. Where is Islam practiced by the most faithful of Muslims? In mosques. There are over 2300 strategically placed mosques covering all areas of America.

Unlike many counterterrorism experts, I see the Islamic ideology as a whole as the number one enemy of America. There are no moderate Muslims. One is either a practicing Muslim in it’s entirety and follows Sharia law 100 percent, or the person who calls himself or herself a moderate Muslim who doesn’t believe in all aspects of Sharia law, is an apostate and enemy of Islam. Islam does not allow a person to be a half practicing Muslim,

Based on my years of research inside mosques across America, it is a certainty America will continue to be attacked from within. The only way America can be destroyed is by people and organizations within America who follow the Islamic ideology. There are approximately 2 million practicing Muslims in America. There are approximately 3 million who call themselves moderates. Although these people are not considered Muslim in accordance with Islam, they will make a 180 degree turn when Islam is the dominant factor in America. In other words most people who associate with Islam are cowards when it is just themselves. They become powerful giants when they have a large number of other followers with them. This is similar to gangs in America. Cowards when alone, but almighty when they are with a crowd of their own kind.

So far by my above estimates there are 5 million potential mujahadeen fighters inside our country. These people do not adhere by choice to the U.S. Constitution, they adhere to their own constitution which is Sharia law. The U.S. Constitution and Sharia law are in no form compatible. A person cannot follow Sharia law and have allegiance to America. There are many Muslims who say they are American Muslims, but in reality they are non Americans. A non American who does not believe in and follow the U.S. Constitution are potential enemies of our country.

Not only are there Ì million registered Muslims in America, there are millions of Americans who will stand up for Islam before they will America. Every liberal in America is a likely supporter of Islam. Liberals are cowards by nature and like their coward Muslims. They become strong when they are surrounded by like minded people. Liberals like Muslims will align themselves with the group that is currently most powerful. We have seen this in Iraq. The Muslim people loved Americans when we were the powerful army in their country. Now that our troops have been removed they show their support to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Muslims and liberals will always follow the most powerful group in power.

Although there are millions and millions of potential mujahadeen living and working in America, and their liberal supporters, these people rely on powerful leaders. Their leader in America is President Obama and his liberal puppy followers. Americans should not take this statement lightly. Obama has shown over the past few years that he is more aligned to Sharia law than he is the U.S. Constitution. He would rather work with Iranian and other Muslim countries than he would the leaders of Israel. Obama majored in U.S. Constitutional law, why? History has shown for thousands of years that in order to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy as well as they know themselves. Obama understands the working structure of our country and knows how to destroy this beautiful country and it's people.

I spent the most part of my life working within our government. It was my responsibility as a U.S. Federal Agent working counterterrorism to identify the enemies of America. My analysis was always accepted and applauded by government officials at the highest levels. My predictions about upcoming events pertaining to the security of America occurred many times. Below is my analysis and predictions for America in the next five years.

1. President Obama will become even more powerful within the next year. He will continue to support our Islamic enemies. He will continue to degrade the power and importance of Israel.

2. Martial law will occur before Obama leaves office, if he leaves office.

3. The rights of free speech and the ownership of firearms will become ancient rights of our ancestors and no longer current Americans.

4. America will begin to suffer major attacks on a daily basis by our Muslim enemies and their supporters.

I do not like wars or revolutions because children are the ones who suffer the most. This being said I predict a civil war/revolution in our country. True and Pure Americans will revolt and fight the enemies destroying our country from within. The American civil war within the 1860's will be looked at like a minor skirmish compared to the upcoming civil war our country will be involved in.

Who will win the war within America? Sadly it is my prediction the enemies of Islam and their supporters will defeat True and Pure Americans because they will have the support of powerful politicians like Obama who hate America, Americans, and the American way of life our forefathers fought and died for. True Americans can only win if our military leaders come forward and refuse to follow the orders of Obama. A few will do this, but not enough.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Research Against Islamic Terrorist Camps

The only way to expose Islamic based terrorist camps operating inside America is to expose their activities through first-hand research. I have done this for years, but it is costly. I request public assistance because the people and organizations (politicians, media, senior law enforcement) who should be doing this are not.

All Donations are appreciated and will be used exclusively for research directed toward Islamic based terrorist groups. Respectfully, Dave G. davegaubatz@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Consent To Hate Islam & Pure Muslims

The title of this article is "Consent to Hate Islam & Pure Muslims". This is a very controversial tile and I ask all readers to read each line before concluding I am a hater, racist, or Islamaphobe. If you agree with my analysis of Islam and Muslims please make a comment. If you disagree I welcome the comments as well. In short people around the world have a justifiable right to hate all of Islam and in addition to hate all Pure Muslims.

During my years of writing articles and conducting firsthand research I have always used the following definition of a Muslim. "A Muslim is a person who follows Islam and all aspects of Sharia law. If a person who defines theirselves as a Muslim and rejects even one aspect of Sharia law, this person in accordance with Islam itself is an 'Apostate of Islam'. They are not Muslims". This being said a 'Pure Muslim' and not the millions of people who identify with Islam but reject Sharia law are dangerous, violent, hate Jews and Christians, hate homosexuals, demean women, approve of the raping of a child as Mohammed did, and desire a world dominated by Islam and Sharia law are bad, bad, people. The people who give their approval of the above have no reason to expect love from the people who do not condone the rape of children, hatred of Jews and Christians, etc... The Pure Muslims should expect no right to live and work in America.

I have been to over 275 mosques in America, and more throughout the Middle East. My research has indicated that about 1/4 of the people attending mosques are 'Pure Muslims'. This equates to a couple of million Muslims in America who desire to kill your childen and mine. Although I consider myself a Christian, I do not love anyone who wants to hurt America, Isreal, and our children. I leave it to GOD to love 'Pure Muslims', but as a mortal I can not do so.

People around the world must come to realize the Islamic ideology has no place in this world. It must be destroyed by branding it as evil and an ideology formed by Satan himself. I am far from being a Christian scholar, but I find it hard to believe that any ideology that condones the rape of a six year old girl (as Mohammed did) is something the GOD of Christians and Jews desires. My definition of GOD is one who loves all good people and especially our children. Our GOD does not want a child to be harmed by any person or approved by any ideology.

The recent terroist attack against Pamella Geller in Texas was an attack against America, Israel, and all non believers of Islam. We will see many more of these attacks as I predicted for many years. The attacks will become more violent and will be directed at our children. We will see innocent children killed, kidnapped as sex slaves, and an overall attempt to make the parents of children suffer tremendously. It is not pleasant to address these violent activites, but if I do not, who will?

I recall as a child wondering how the world could stand by and allow six million (during WWII) plus innocent Jews to die in the most sadistic ways imaginable. I now wonder why people around the world allow Islam to flouish and allow Pure Muslims who kill millions to live as free citizens.

It is now time for Americans, Israelis, and all good people to stand strong and destroy Islam and the people who desire to destroy us. If the world does not come together we will indeed lose our freedoms, our country, and most importantly our children. My health is declining and it is harder to write articles and conduct firsthand research at mosques around America, but until my last breath I will fight for our children and country.

In America we have a president who hates America, the U.S. Constitution, and anyone who does not approve of the Islamic ideology. Obama is not a good person and our current political, Christian, and Jewsih leaders must demand his resignation. Few people will step up and identify Obama as a Muslim. I do. For decades I was appointed by the U.S. government to investigate and analyze people and organizations who are a threat to America. My analysis and identifying people and organizations who want to destroy America was accepted by all levels of our government. My reports were classified at the Secret and Top Secret levels. I do not expect our current politicans to protect America. The protection of America is up to our city, county, and state law enforcement agencies, and our military Generals to denounce Obama and his crew as a threat to U.S. National Security.

In conclusion I hope all will come to hate Islam and Pure Muslims. I talk with hundreds of people and get thousands of emails from people who also hate Islam and it's followers. The majority agree with my analysis, but the majority our scared to come forward and be as harsh against Islam and Pure Muslims as I do. You must come forward and express this view publically despite the threats by Islamic terrorists and their supporters. Your failure to do so will condemn our children to future violence in the name of Islam. Dave Gaubatz, 1st U.S. civilian Federal Agent to enter Iraq in 2003, and the author of 'Muslim Mafia'.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The One & Only Way To Defeat Islamic Based Terrorism

The One & Only Way To Defeat Islamic Based Terrorism
By: Dave Gaubatz
13 April 2015

Think of the following word for 1 second only and then give a one word description of the thought that enters your mind:
1. Nazi
Now for the second word:
2. Hitler
Now for the third word:
3. Timothy McVeigh (OKC Bomber)
Now for the fourth word/s:
4. Child Rapist
Now for the fifth and final word:
5. Islam

I have given this little test to several people over the last few years. The vast majority of people respond with a very negative description for the words Nazi, Hitler, Timothy McVeigh, and Child Rapist.

The response is quiet different when they describe with one word Islam. 10 years ago when I first began giving this test when people were told to describe with one word a description of Islam the typical responses were: Misunderstood, Religion, Mohammed, Middle East, and Shariah. The responses of people who have taken the test in the last year has grown to a more harsh description of the word Islam, but not to the point of being as harsh as the words Nazi, Hitler, McVeigh, or Child Rapist.

In order to defeat Islamic based terrorism the mindset of people must change their thoughts and descriptions of of the word Islam to be similar to their descriptions of Nazi, Hitler, McVeigh and Child Rapist's. This can only be accomplished if the American and world media, politicians, senior law enforcement, teachers, corporations, Christian and Jewish leaders, and the American president begin branding 'Islam' as what it truly is: violent, dangerous, filthy, evil, Mohammed the Child Rapist, and the major threat to the free world.

During my four decades of studying the Middle East, the Arabic language and Islam, I went through vario9us phases of my descriptions of Islam and it's founder Prophet Mohammed. The primary difference between the vast majority of people and myself is that I rolled through the phases at a much faster rate. I went from thinking Islam was a religion of peace, to describing Islam with the most vulgar terms humanely imaginable. My description of Islam came to a head about two years before the tragic events of 9/11. I began calling Islam for what it is (vulgar and disgusting) and did not hold back.

My change about Islam and Mohammed was not made lightly and without vast amounts of thought, first-hand research, and absorbing thousands upon thousands of manuals, books,
audio recordings, and videos produced by Muslims and Islamic leaders across the world. In essence I did not rely on self described experts of Islam and terrorism. Instead I became self educated basing my thoughts on what Islamic leaders were advocating to their followers worldwide. I visited several countries throughout the Middle East, visited mosques in the Middle East, and went to the front lines in 2003 when Operation Iraqi freedom started. I interviewed hundreds of Muslims while in the Middle East (to include members of Islamic based terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda).

Since my return to America I have conducted research inside the Muslim Brotherhood National Headquarters in Washington DC (CAIR NATIONAL). I have conducted first-hand research in over 275 mosques in America.

Contrary to what Islamic leaders and organizations such as CAIR say that Islam is a very complex and complicated ideology to understand, the understanding of Islam is rather easy to understand. Billions of Muslims across the world claim to have worshiped, studied and understand their religion. Millions of Muslims to this day can't read or write, and have very little schooling of any type. The conclusion is it does not take a genius to understand 'true' Islam. The only qualification you must have is to begin with an open mind and study everything Islamic you can get your hands on.

The violent actions of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups is based solely on what their Prophet Mohammed taught over 1400 years ago. The teachings of Prophet Mohammed are taught in every mosque, Islamic school, and even in our public schools. Islamic leaders are very firm on their stance that Prophet Mohammed is the example for all of mankind to follow.

Prophet Mohammed in actuality had the same qualities of Adolph Hitler, Timothy McVeigh, and the same immoralities as evil child rapists across the world have. Mohammed taught the hatred of Jews and Christians, the use of violent force to convince people to follow Islam, and he was a rapists of small children during his 50 plus years of life.

Based on my current descriptions of Islam and Mohammed, I have been labeled an Islamaphobe, hater, racist, and war monger. The truth is I respect and love anyone who is a good person and has no thoughts about killing innocent people, destroying Israel or any country that supports Israel, and more importantly I love and respect any person regardless of race, religion, or culture who advocate and promote the love and caring for the children throughout the world. Contrary if you put plans in place to destroy the free world by using force to meet an objective of forming an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Shariah law, then you have incurred my hatred for you and your ideology. I will use what little power I have to attempt to destroy your ideology.

I close by stating the media, politicians, Jewish and Christian leaders, and the American president must start a campaign to BRAND Islam as violent, dangerous, immoral, and an ideology that abuses innocent girls and women. The world is on the brink of disaster due to the ideology of Islam and the lack of world leaders to describe Islam just as they would Nazi, Hitler, McVeigh, and Child Rapists. Islam has all of the horrible qualities and is 100 times more dangerous than the disgusting Hitler.

Islamic based terrorism cannot be defeated by air-power, boots on the ground, diplomacy, or even by using nuclear bombs on Islamic terrorist camps around the world. As long as our American president,the media, so called counter-terrorism experts and others describe Islam with nice words such as Islam has been hijacked, only radical Muslims commit terrorist acts, and that the Prophet Mohammed is a man to follow, then we will in our lifetime be condemned to a life of misery, fear, and violence in the name of Islam.

Keep in mind that if you express your views as I have, you will be labeled as a hater and racist. You will be attacked from the left and right, Islamic terrorists, and even your American president will label you as the primary threat to world peace. If you love America, Israel, the free world, and innocent children, then you will put them ahead of your own safety and comforts of life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Racist/Violent Songs Wrong on Both Sides

The white students at the University of Oklahoma were wrong to sing a racist and violent song. 100% wrong. It is also 100% wrong for black students across America and in U.S. colleges to sing and play songs calling for killing U.S. police officers and violent attacks on women. When the white intoxicated kids do it they are on the front page of every media outlet in America. When blacks do it they are given a pat on the back and the world is told this is their artistic freedom and allowed by the 1st Amendment.

I have no doubts the University of Oklahoma has numerous black students who play these racist and violent songs loudly in their multi-speaker cars and in their dorm rooms for the whole building to thump. Parents of the white OKU should be protesting and screaming at the top of their voices about the hypocrisy between white racist songs and black racist songs.

Even if they do scream there is no one who will support them because Americans have been brainwashed by the racist black leaders such as Al Sharpton to support racist blacks regardless, because their ancestors 250 years ago were brought to America as slaves. Of course their is never a mention as to the white people in the millions who were used as slaves during many periods of our existence, and many whites, blacks, and others are in chains across the Middle East in the name of Islam.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

FBI Recruits Future Agents From U.S. Terrorist Supporting Mosques

FBI Recruits From Within U.S. Terrorist linked Mosques
By: Dave Gaubatz
8 Mar 2015

If you want to become an FBI Federal Agent how do you start the process? If you are a Christian or Jew law abiding American citizen you have a very long process. If you support Islamic based terrorism and attend a violent mosque in norther Virginia, the FBI will send out a notice to you advising you that the FBI positions are open and the links to apply.

The ADAMS Center is one of the largest Islamic Centers in America and is ran by some former CAIR executives. I have conducted firt-hand research in this Center several times. It has one of the best libraries a Mujahadeen or potential Muslim terrorist could ask for. The material inside this Center was produced some of the world's most productive Muslim terrorists.

Often I am contacted by concerned citizens about Islamic terrorist activity in their areas. They inform me that they went to the FBI to report their information, but their concerns were ignored by the FBI Agents. How can America be protected against the very grave threats of Islamic terrorism in America if the FBI Agents our citizens report their concerns to are loyal to Islamic based terrorist groups? The answer is America is not being protected at the federal level.

Below is the email sent by the ADAMS Center:

[adams1] JOBS: FBI Special Agent Posting
Farooq Syed farooq_syed@yahoo.com [adams1] adams1-noreply@yahoogroups.com via gmail.com

Mar 5 (3 days ago)


We are pleased to announce that the FBI Special Agent application is now open and will remain open until March 15, 2015. Applications received during this period will be considered for the 2015/2016 hiring years.

Please share with anyone who you think might be interested.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Criminal Activities in America

Criminal activity is out of control in America. The majority of large dollar crime is happening between the people we elected. 99% are never investigated and 99% never go to court. I request people to send me allegations of criminal activity by senior U.S. personnel. I will run the case to the ground and if the person is guilty we will pursue the matter until that person is cuffed up. Dave g.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

U.S. Law Enforcement Selling Weapons To Islamic Terrorists

I currently have significant leads about two high priority counter-terrorism cases I am working. The results will be reported to the public once my clients are satisfied with my results. I am asking all Americans to report to me via email davegaubatz@gmail.com if they have information on any of the following"\:

1. Senior law enforcement selling firearms to Islamic terrorists

2. Any Evidence of criminality of the NSA

3. Any evidence being committed by the FBI

4. Any wrongdoing of any elected officials (supporting documents requested)

5. Any known or suspected information about the FBI having meetings with CAIR

If you are not sure, please send. I will evaluate each piece of evidence submitted. Dave Gaubatz

Sunday, February 22, 2015

American Shopping Malls Under Attack

Previously I have written about the real possibility of Allah's Muslim Terrorists (AMT) attacking large crowds of Americans at a shopping mall. Apparently the Mall of America in Minnesota has received direct threats of bombing this large mall. Mall of America threats must be taken seriously and with the clowns in Washington DC this will likely be turned into a circus affair.

It will likely occur sooner than later. 2015 is going to be an awful year for many Americans. The fight will return to America and we have an active Sunni Muslim (Obama) leading our country. This is not encouraging. Obama is surrounded by defenders of Islam.

I encourage Americans to be prepared for the upcoming battle against AMT's. You must have a sufficient amount of food, water, secure shelter and your legally obtained firearms and ammunition. Your firearms will be taken away from you because most law enforcement look at them as evil (unless they have them) and ordinary citizens should not have firearms. Not all law enforcement, but there are many who think this way because they have been brainwashed by the liberals of America.

There have been numerous attacks by AMT's inside and outside of America. We have a serious problem and it is the ordinary American citizen who can take your country back. If another major attack (like a shopping mall) happens in America it will be the American citizens who will suffer, and not AMT's.

Obama and his cronies will demand law enforcement and our military to enforce martial law. Gasoline will be set as such a high price that only the richest Americans can afford to buy. Food prices will soar. Electricity will be so high that most Americans will not be able to keep up. Buying firearms and ammunition will be eliminated. Travel between states will only be allowed to the elite.

What I describe above can happen overnight. Liberals want American citizens to 'need' them. They will be the Santa Clauses for the American people. If you follow the liberal socialist orders you will be granted small privileges such as being allowed to get a tank of gas.

Our government officials already have a plan in place to control every aspect of an American's life. In Iraq (2003) the U.S. government had the opportunity to practice all of the control events as discussed above.

To eliminate AMT's the three have to happen:

1. The Islamic ideology must be branded as evil and dangerous.
2. All mosques, Islamic schools, and Islamic organizations such as CAIR must be closed and criminalized.
3. The U.S. must understand and demand all people who practice Islam and Sharia law to follow the U.S. Constitution, pledge allegiance to America, and stop the practice of following Islam. There will no longer be such a thing as radical Islam and moderate Muslims. Islam will be recognized for what it is, Islam, and moderate Muslims will be looked at for what they are (non practicing Muslims)

I will receive tons of hate mail and other emails saying this is America and we can not implement 1,2, and 3 above. They will say it will never happen. I agree this will never happen in America and during our children's lifetime they will be forced to live in conformity with Islam and Sharia law.

I simply give direct answers based on my doing the same for our government fror 24 years. The above is my analysis based on all evidence I have digested for decades. I do not desire a war, but the war has been brought to us by AMT's. We can either fight or we can throw in the white flag of surrender.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Fallacy of the Innocent Muslim


Criminalize Islam and Sharia law!

The Fallacy of the Innocent Muslim
By: Dave Gaubatz
18 Feb 2015

There is no nice or politically correct way to write this article without offending Muslims, the media, liberals, Allah's Muslim Terrorist, people who skim the article instead of reading it completely line by line, or our Sunni Muslim President Obama.

To put it as polite as humanly possible there are no innocent Muslims. Continue reading before you judge. Many readers are saying to themselves that they know good Muslims they work with, have as neighbors, or have met
at school. If they are indeed good people then they are not Pure Muslims.

Islam does not allow anyone to be a good person. Meaning, if you follow Islam as the pseudo Prophet Mohammed intended, you must have in your heart everything he demanded and represented. You must adhere to ALL aspects of Sharia law, good or bad. If a Muslim decides he/she does not want war with non believers, or does not want to educate his/her children that a Muslim must endorse physical Jihad against oppressors, Christians, or Jews, then this person is doing a good deed, but has become an apostate of Islam as mandated by the Islamic ideology. These are some of the good people Obama and the media (including FOX) falsely describe as innocent Muslims. Again they may be good people but they have turned their backs on the Islamic faith.

The people who are practicing Islam and are the type people Mohammed wanted describes as a good Muslim are the members of Allah's Muslim terrorists such as, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and other acronyms. They are following Islam and Sharia exactly as Mohammed and the Quran demands.

Many people are led to believe the people who attend one of the 2300 mosques in America are for the most part innocent Muslims. This is false. I have been to hundreds of mosques. The people in the mosque are being taught from the same material as ISIS. Year after year they continue to attend the mosque that advocates violence and the hatred of non believers. These people are not innocent Muslims. These are people who desire to live their lives as the violent child rapist Mohammed. No easier way to put it. Just as Obama attended Jerimiah Wright's church for 20 years, that on a regular basis preached the hatred for America, Obama is no more innocent than Wright is. The people who attend Wright's church on a regular basis are not innocent Christians or Americans. These people are supporters of hate.

People need to compare Nazi's to Pure Muslims. If a German citizen or others who followed to the letter Hitler's ideology, they are not innocent Nazi's. They are 100% Nazi. No in between. they are followers of a violent and dangerous ideology. The same is for people who practice Islam or are supporters of the Islamic ideology.

The son (Franklin) of Billy Graham tells it straight to the liberal conservatives of Fox news. There is no such thing as radical Islam. It is Islam pure and simple and should be referred to as Islamic terrorism and not radical terrorism.

The ONLY way to defeat Islamic terrorism is to defeat and demonize the ideology of Islam itself. Ponder my friends.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Save The Children

http://www.gofundme.com/mdqjvs (paste in your browser)

All children are innocent. Help me help them. Dave Gaubatz

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Truth About Islam

Below are 10 things you must know about Islam in order to defeat the enemy:

1. First you must realize the Islamic ideology of Islam is dangerous, evil, and poses a grave threat to the entire world.
2. There is no such thing as radical Islam. You should refer to the Islamic terrorists and their supporters as Pure Muslims. They are acting in accordance with their pseudo Prophet Mohammed.
3. Islam only has practicing Muslims and non practicing people. A Practicing Muslim is one who adheres to all aspects of Sharia law as Islam mandates. A non practicing person is a person who aligns with Islam in some areas of Sharia, but ignore the violent aspects. These people are not moderates. They are apostates of Islam.
4. When Muslims chant the phrase 'there is no God but our God', they mean Allah is not the God of Christians and Jews.
5. The pseudo Prophet Mohammed is the elite example to the Muslim people. This is why they copy him. They conduct violent Jihad, have slavery even in 2015, marry and rape innocent children as young as six, and have a strategy to dominate the world.
6. The Muslim people desire death more than life, so for this reason it is illogical to think they care about the lives of non believers.
7. The Islamic ideology must be branded as evil, just as Naziism is looked at.
8. All mosques and Islamic centers must be shutdown and destroyed by our authorities if we have even a small chance of surviving.
9. Trust no Muslim. They will clap for whomever has the power at the current time. In 2003, Muslims clapped and cheered when the U.S. forces entered Iraq. These same Iraqis now clap and cheer when ISIL comes through their towns.
10. Never placate Islam. Islam is evil and you must be seen as strong to obtain their respect. Islam can be defeated if the world comes together to destroy this evil. If we deo not, the world will fall under Sharia law.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

We Can Destroy ISIS in 5 Days

I was in Iraq at the start of the war in 2003. Our troops were engaged in fighting 100's of thousands of Saddam forces, unlike the small number of 35,000 ISIL members occupying northern Iraq and Syria. We destroyed Saddam within a few days.

Below is my suggestion on how to destroy ISIL within 5 days and use no U.S. or foreign troops. I mean not in the air or on the ground with active duty military! In America alone we could get 200,000 volunteers being issued M-16's and 9mm pistols.

The volunteers would come from former U.S. military, American Patriots from all walks of life, and we could offer time served for non violent people who are incarcerated in U.S. prisons, if they volunteer to deploy. In addition we would have no rules of engagement and we must put a leader in Iraq with similar the same character as Saddam. I have come to the reality that the only way to control Islamic countries is with a brutal dictator. Fear is all they know. Sorry if this offends some. I approved of Saddam being destroyed in 2003, but with hindsight I realize we should have left him in office.

Within a five day period 200,000 Americans would be able to destroy ISIL in five days. The argument many people would have (including myself) is that after destroying these 35,000 ISIL members, they would have 35,000 new ones within a year. That is ok. Each anniversary of our first destruction of ISIL we would return for another five day period to destroy them again and again until they wave the white flag of surrender.

Think of the millions and billions the U.S. would save each day and year by not having useless air strikes and a formation of 60 useless countries who are our alleged coalition. Jordan would be an exception.

Volunteers fighting to protect our country and children is not a new concept to America. We have survived as a country for three centuries relying on volunteers.

The only way this war strategy would work if we had an American leader like Israel's Benjamin Netanyaha and his Vice President should be King Abullan II of Jordan. America could deport President Obama to Saudi Arabia with his family and friends. Dave Gaubatz

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Fallacy of the Moderate Muslim

The Fallacy of the “Moderate Muslim”
By: DAVE GAUBATZ September 20, 2010

There have been, and will continue to be, debates on the authenticity of ‘who and what are moderate Muslims’? I could spend two years giving my personal opinion and it would mean as much as Bill O’Reilly giving his opinion of the next Super Bowl Game. The point being there are no experts pertaining to the Islamic based ideology. During my years of first-hand research I have obtained thousands of materials from Islamic Centers/Mosques, interviewed hundreds of Islamic scholars and Imams. The evidence I provide in this article is based on their information and not my opinion. In accordance with Sharia law a Muslim is either 100% Sharia compliant or they are not. If they do not accept all aspects of Sharia law they are considered Apostates. This eliminates the term ‘Moderate Muslim’. This term is man-made and in reality has no meaning or existence. In other words a ‘Moderate Muslim’ is simply a non practicing Muslim. Since 1979 I have been traveling throughout the Middle East and have met thousands of good people who have called themselves Muslim. Again in reality the ‘good Muslims’ were people who did not adhere to Sharia law, specifically in regards to physical Jihad.

Many will by right now wondering why I did not use the word ‘religion’ in the same context as Islam. To best answer this it is best to explain to the reader that my background has led me to the Middle East since 1979. Since that period of time I have had the fortunate opportunity to speak with hundreds of the leading Islamic leaders and Imams throughout the world. I was selected as the first U.S. Federal Agent to enter Iraq in 2003. Although the rules of engagement did not specifically give us the authority to enter mosques, schools, and hospitals, I had insisted the men and women with me check these places before all others. My number one responsibility was to ensure the young 18 and 19 year old kids who were putting their lives on the line for people of all religions, races, and cultures, were going to go home and be with their families - regardless what a ‘political General’ had read from a book about sensitivity training in dealing with the Muslim people.

Per my suspicions our team located senior Saddam Forces, Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Fedeyeen forces hiding in the off limit areas: schools, mosques and hospitals... We captured them without incident.

Many Muslim people risked their lives and in fact many gave the ultimate sacrifice to assist the American forces. Of course in war this is not seen by the enemy as a ‘medal of honor’ nominee. On the contrary the Muslims who helped protect Americans were considered traitors and ‘Apostates’ of Islam. Islamic Sharia law demanded the death penalty for the Muslims who assisted the enemy (the American forces and their allies).

Why would I bring up a war time situation to try and explain ‘moderate Muslims’ living in America? The one and only point is for the American people to understand Muslims can only have allegiance to either Allah and Sharia law, or to the U.S. Constitution and America. Islamic leaders stress this avidly to their worshippers across the U.S. A Muslim can’t serve two masters. Sharia law and the U.S. Constitution are not compatible. Again the word of Dave Gaubatz is not important. The words of Islamic leaders such as Yusef Estes, Ahmad Sakr, Zaid Shakir, Siraj Wahhaj, CAIR and ISNA Executives and a half dozen other pseudo-based Islamic leaders need to be listened to before me. These leaders take their orders directly from Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and more importantly from the Saudi government.

I have personally visited over 250 Islamic Centers/Mosques throughout America. 95% are Sunni dominated (“Pure Islam”). Islamic leaders put out material distributed from Pakistan, India, and Saudi Arabia detailing the specifics of how a ‘Pure Muslim’ should lead their lives in accordance with Sharia law. A Muslim can’t pick and choose which aspects of Sharia they want to adhere to and which ones they prefer not. A Muslim is either Sharia compliant or they are not. In other words, they either practice Sharia law or they are non practicing Muslims. If a Muslim does not adhere at least in his or her heart to all aspects of Sharia law, they are considered Apostates by their leaders. This is a death sentence for them regardless of what country they reside in. Islam and Sharia law have no boundaries. Boundaries are man-made specifically by Jews and Christians, and in the hearts of Muslims they are meaningless.

Within America we have politicians and media who use the term ‘moderate Muslim’ as if this word has a legitimate meaning to ‘Pure Muslims’ who control the actions of Islamic terror groups. There are three requirements which non Muslim world leaders must come to terms with if we are ever going to live in safety and if our children are to ever have a fighting chance of having peace from Islamic terror groups in their lifetimes.

The following three requirements are directly from Islamic leaders/Imams from whom my research team and I have received advice over the last three years. The intelligence I collect is always first-hand intelligence.

Islam is not a religion. Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology. Religion within Islam is used as a tactic to achieve the ultimate goal of Islam which is an Islamic Ummah (nation) worldwide and under Sharia law.

Sharia law is an all or nothing. A Muslim can’t pick and choose which parts of Sharia they desire to adhere to. 90% of Sharia law may be peaceful, but it is the 10% that innocent people must ‘fear’. This part pertains to the intolerance of other religions, the hatred of Jews, Christians, and even Muslims who do not adhere to Sharia law, and physical Jihad. All Muslims are not required to physically fight their enemies, but ‘All’ Muslims must assist in equipping and financing their brothers and sisters who are engaged in physical Jihad. For a Muslim to choose not to do so equate to him/her being an Apostate of Islam; again this is a death sentence for the accused.

The innocent people of all races, religions, and cultures are at war with Islam. This is the hardest and most difficult concept for people to understand. The Muslims who committed murder on 11 Sept. 2001 were doing so in the name of Islam. The 4000 plus men and women who have been murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan were killed in the name of Islam. Maj. Hassan from Ft. Hood who killed several people did so in the name of Islam. The same materials being studied by Hamas, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the Taliban are the exact materials being distributed across America and provided to innocent young Muslim children to study in order to be ‘Pure Muslim’.

Readers should note that in 90 plus percent of the mosques my research team visited in America, the following was being advocated for the worshippers. The manuals of ‘Riyadh Ul Salheen’ are literally an explanation to Muslims on how to interpret the Quran in their present day lives. For instance the following is an explanation of how Muslims should always be prepared for war against their enemies; yes even in America!

“In accordance with the conditions of his times, the Prophet (PBUH) ordained the Muslims to acquire every possible power and keep it ready for war. Elucidating his order on this point, he stated that by power he meant archery and then he repeated this word three times to stress its importance. He did it because the art of archery had fundamental importance in war at that time. In the present-day world, archery has lost its value as it has been replaced by other inventions like tanks, guns, atom bombs, etc. Similar is the case of devices which are used in naval war, and all these military wares have superb importance in modern warfare. In the present-day context, the injunction of the Noble Quran to acquire power means manufacturing and possession of all these devices. It is incumbent on the Muslims that they equip themselves with all this material and show no carelessness in this regard. In modern times, Muslims have badly neglected this field with the result that non-Muslims have more knowledge of modern warfare and by dint of that they are dominating the world and making a claim of their supremacy all over the world. Unless Muslims pursue the Quranic injunctions on this score and acquire greater or equal or at least similar measure and style of power, as is possessed by the non-Muslims, they will not be able to check the onslaught of their enemies, and to defeat them. It is incumbent upon the Muslims to overpower the might and power of the infidels for the glorification of Islam”.

The commentary and instruction to the Muslim worshippers throughout America is:

“It is essential that they should not slack in acquiring the material resources required for war, nor neglect military preparations and exercises. Modern military weapons and new style of warfare have now taken the place of archery, and Muslims should master all of them”.

“He who neither performs a good deed nor aspires for it, has a hypocritical disposition. This is especially true of a Muslim who does not even aspire to take part in Jihad. Such a Muslim develops a resemblance with hypocrites”.

If our country has even the remotest chance of securing our nation we must accept America is indeed at war with Islam. There is no nice way to ignore the violence within neither Islam nor its teachings. There are millions of ‘good people who call themselves Muslim’, but in actuality they do not follow Sharia law and are Apostates of Islam. Sharia adherent Muslims are not ‘good Muslims’. Islam forbids this trait which naïve Americans desire. There is nothing I have said in this article that the leaders of Islam have not repeated over and over to their worshippers and to non-Muslims. Now is the time to take them for their word, or else you are risking the lives of your children by ignoring their warnings.

Sleeper Cells in America

Sleeper Cells in the USA
by DAVE GAUBATZ January 26, 2011

I originally wrote this article in 2007. Now in 2015, the sleeper cell problem has multiplied. Dave g.

There is every reason to suspect that we will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right time. I know this from experience.

I have worked over 15 years as a U.S. Federal Agent, a U.S. State Department Arabic linguist, and the first civilian Federal Agent deployed into Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Since returning from Iraq I have been involved in terrorism analysis, specifically the mindset of terrorists. During my extensive research on sleeper cells I have talked with hundreds of people from the Middle East from all walks of life, and have talked with Iraqi Government officials, Iraqi military and Iraqi police officers. In addition I have interviewed numerous counter-terrorism specialists in the U.S. and abroad. In 2006 I trained over 4000 U.S. Law Enforcement officers in Basic Investigative Arabic and counter-terrorism. The conclusions of my research lead to the title of this article.

Before I departed for the Middle East in 2003 I had been assigned to Kirtland AFB, NM. Kirtland has some of the best scientists in the world working on U.S. Government projects. I had been working closely with these scientists who specialized in nuclear energy, directed energy, laser technology, bio-weapons and more. I fully understand the impact if suicide bombers begin progressing from conventional explosives to unconventional methods.

The Middle East

In Jan 2003, I was assigned to Arar Air Base Saudi Arabia. Arar is located near the border of Iraq. My mission was to interact with Saudi military officials in order to determine the support we could expect from the Saudi government, to determine if Iraqis were monitoring the activities of the U.S. forces at Arar, and to infiltrate the encampments of the Bedouin community (Saudis and Iraqis living in the desert of Arar). This involved leaving the relatively safe confines of Arar Air Base and driving to the Bedouin camps.

It was most important the Saudis did not know we were leaving the compound because they had forbidden us to do so. Four U.S. special Agents would use our ATV's and/or four wheel drive vehicles to conduct these missions. The Saudi Government had active spies collecting information pertaining to our troop strength, our weapons, and any other intelligence they could obtain. The Saudis were providing the intelligence to the Saudi Government, and we were very confident it was also being passed to Iraqi intelligence.

During January 2003 and Feb 2003, Saudi Intelligence officers would boast that the American military was overreacting about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. Their bravery changed as we approached the invasion of Iraq in Mar 2003. The high-ranking Saudi officers were scrambling to obtain gas masks and other protective equipment. They knew their equipment was substandard and they wanted U.S.-made protective equipment. We gave them some of ours. The Saudi Intelligence officers were visibly frightened about a potential chemical, biological, or nuclear attack and expressed their fears.

While in Iraq we determined the following:

1. Russian activity in Iraq had been rampant several months prior to the war and up until the day before the invasion.

2. Iranians were infiltrating southern Iraq by the thousands and were preparing to assist insurgents in removing U.S. forces from Iraq.

3. We found numerous pieces of evidence indicating WMD were in Iraq before the war began and some were still in Iraq.

4. I and other agents were informed by Iraqis that a civil war would erupt and violence against U.S. forces would increase due to the Iranian and Russian influence.

All of this information was provided through intelligence channels, but was ignored. Today we are seeing the results of our intelligence being ignored in 2003.

Vulnerability at home

Upon returning from Iraq I left Federal Service to pursue a career educating U.S. law enforcement in the U.S. I wrote a book titled "Arabic for law enforcement and military". During my lectures to local, county, and state law enforcement officers it was revealed the true first line defenders in the U.S. are not trained nor prepared to combat terrorism in the U.S. (through no fault of their own). The local law enforcement agencies were not receiving adequate funds or assistance from the Federal Government to fight terrorism. The majority advised they were supposed to be the first line defenders, but in actuality they did not even know what Al-Qaeda meant, and/or could not point out Iraq or Iran on a map. They had no Arabic language training.

I began conducting research and talking with experts from various fields and determined three significant facts that I corroborated by further research:

1. The terrorists groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda each had different leaders and to some degree operated in different ways, but they each had the same two goals (destroy Israel and destroy America and any country that supported either).

2. Our nuclear research centers were very vulnerable to an attack and the potential for a suicide bomber using a dirty radiological bomb from these facilities was and is a high probability. Note: Vic Walter and Brian Ross of ABC News did an excellent report on the lack of security at these facilities. I received an enormous amount of information from individuals associated with Russian nuclear programs that there is nuclear material being sold on the black market and nuclear material is in the hands of Islamic Extremists.

3. Terrorist sleeper cells are located primarily in Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, California, and Canada. The "sleepers" are prepared to conduct terrorist attacks within the U.S., and nuclear material is available to them. "Prepared" in this instance indicates they have the necessary tools to carry out their attacks and are prepared to die.

4. Non profit organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MANA, MSA, and several other Islamic based groups are in actuality simply fronts for Al Qaeda and Hamas. The leadership within these groups receives funds and training from the Saudi government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these groups to operate freely throughout the U.S. and at American’s taxpayer’s expense. Essentially the IRS grants the groups immunity and the authority to train, organize, and prepare for attacks against our country. Why? Because CAIR and other such groups have a confidential informant network much better than even our FBI. CAIR uses contractors such as Corey Saylor (Simple Resolve Company) to place interns into our elected official’s offices, and into organizations such as the IRS.

Terrorist operations are active in the U.S. and are being operated/financed by Al Qaeda throughout the U.S.

U.S. citizens need to understand there are people trained and prepared to carry our suicide missions in the U.S. and nothing are off limits. Churches, malls, and even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missions.

I will continue to research terrorism related issues in the U.S. and Canada and will bring forward the results. Nuclear reactors are located on a large number of major university campuses in the U.S. There locations are not classified and are described on the internet.

Children are the ones who suffer in wartime and I want to prevent any child from ever having to experience a terrorist attack.

In Feb, 2007, I wrote the above article for ‘American Thinker’. I have updated the information for readers.

Child Marriages in Islam and in America

Child Marriages in Islam-In America
by DAVE GAUBATZ June 18, 2013

Child marriages are very common in the peaceful ideology of Islam. I say peaceful in jest. The marriage of children as young as 6 years old to old peaceful Muslim men happens everyday in the Islamic world, especially in Saudi Arabia (home of Mecca), Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc... and yes in America.

During my firsthand research all across America it was sadly revealed not only are child marriages advocated by Islamic leaders, it is being conducted. There are young girls under nine being given to much older Muslim men. There is no nice way to put this. The innocent girls are raped and abused by their peaceful and non violent Muslim protectors.

Should any less be expected from Islam? No. The leader and founder of Islam was a self described Prophet who went by the name of Mohammed. Mohammed was a rapist and pedophile. He married Aishah when she was six years old and raped her when she was nine. Many Islamic scholars suggest she was younger. Mohammed also encouraged his fellow pedophile friends to obtain young girls to rape.

Now is there any doubt that Prophet Mohammed is the leader, founder, and example to the one plus billion Muslims worldwide, and to the four plus million living in the U.S. Why are people surprised when innocent Muslim girls are raped daily in the name of Islam? No one should be surprised. Where are all the women's and child advocate groups?

Who do we blame for allowing Muslim girls to be bought/sold and raped by Muslim men in America? First we blame organizations such as CAIR and ISNA for allowing this, but keep in mind they also worship the rapist Prophet Mohammed. We must blame our political leaders and senior law enforcement officers. They have the authority and obligation to protect all children. They could begin by criminalizing Sharia law and shutting down the 2300 mosques in America that advocate child marriages. They could begin prosecuting Islamic leaders for advocating child marriages. The IRS could immediately begin removing the non profit status of all Islamic organizations, beginning with CAIR.

Will this happen? No. The IRS and Obama are way to busy targeting patriotic, pro America, conservative groups and law abiding American citizens.

What does this mean? It means there will continue to be young Muslim girls bought, sold, raped in the name of Islam in our beautiful country.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jordan: Why Fire?

Why did ISIS resort to burning a man alive? Keep in mind Islamic terrorist groups have murdered, raped, and tortured innocent children in the name of Islam. The burning of a man is really not news. These people are evil. In Islam the torture and killing by fire is prohibited unless.... Death by burning a person alive is halal (legal) if the punishment is sanctioned by Allah. ISIS is trying to show how close they are to Allah. They want the Muslim world to know they have established an Islamic caliphate and Allah is directly communicating with them.

Do not believe even for a second that the Muslim population in Jordan are on the side of America. They are not. The only reason there are demonstrations against ISIS is because the victim was a Muslim from their country. There were no demonstrations when Americans and others were murdered by ISIS. Islam is at war with the non Muslim world and we must understand our enemy is Islam. We must strike at the ideology itself and stop pretending these violent acts are committed by a few bad people who are hijacking Islam. Islam has not been hijacked. You are witnessing 'Pure Islam' being practiced as their Prophet Mohammed desired. Dave Gaubatz

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Black & Arab Relationship

In the times of Mohammed, there were thousands upon thousands of black slaves owned by Muslims in Saudi Arabia. In 2014, there are approximately 450,000 slaves bought and sold by Muslims in Saudi Arabia. Many of the slaves are black Muslims, and their masters are Arab Muslims. In 2014, Sudan flourishes richly in the sale and purchase of slaves, both Muslim and non Muslim.

The evidence I use for this article comes from my firsthand discussions with Islamic leaders, Islamic material, and Muslims who practice Islam the way Mohammed intended.

When I was in Saudi Arabia in 2003, I had the opportunity to talk with many Arab Muslims. I heard one describe our (U.S.) black military members as 'N------'. The use of the 'N' word by Arab Muslims stunned me. After several months in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the 'N' word was a common and routine way Arab Muslims described black people, regardless if they were Muslim, non Muslim, or from any part of the world.

I began to ask the Arab Muslims about their relationship with black Muslims. It was stressed to me over and over again that black people (even black Muslims) are inferior to all races of people, and Arab Muslims are the true chosen people who represent Islam.

This topic intrigued me. When I returned to America in late 2003, I began gathering facts about the relationship between Arab and black Muslims. Many of the mosques I visited have Arab Muslims in the leadership positions. Not only did Arab Muslims in America relate to me that they consider blacks as sub-human, but materials in the mosques confirmed this.

We all know Islamic teachings degrade all non Muslims, specifically Jewish and Christian people as sub-human, but it is not well advertised in the Muslim community that Arab Muslims in America and throughout the world consider blacks as 'N------'
and inferior animals. I continued my quest to determine why Arab Muslims and Islam is framed in bigotry and racism.

What puzzled me is the fact that there are many black Muslim Imams and the Muslim world has many countries dominated by black Muslims. Imam Siraj Wahhaj (black Muslim convert) in Brooklyn, NY is in my opinion the most dangerous man in America, and has thousands of followers, many Arab Muslims.

The more I began studying this issue, the more material I began to collect. The answer is that Arab Muslims believe they are superior to all, that the only correct version of the Quran is the Arabic version, and that black people (Muslim or non Muslim) were born to serve their Arab masters throughout the world. Arab Muslims believe in order for Islam to survive they must open the doors to all races. As described to me by one Arab Muslim, they use the analogy of the plantations in America during the period of slavery. It was thought the only way the plantations could survive was to use blacks to work the fields.

This same strategy is used by Arab Muslims. The evidence I obtained emphasized the need for black Muslims so they could recruit millions of other blacks into Islam. Their Arab masters treat them well and they are taught they are closer to paradise than the millions of non Muslims.

The main question on this topic is why do black Muslims allow themselves to be used as tools in the name of Islam? From my discussions with both Arab and black Muslims is that fear drives blacks to Islam. Muslims are taught that in the end times Islam will dominate the world, and non Muslims will be given the choice to accept Islam or be murdered. Arab leaders within Islam educate black Muslims that although they are inferior to Arabs, they can have a fruitful life working for their masters.

The same is true in many gangs in America. The Bloods and the Crips are predominately black and they consider non blacks inferior, although there are times they will allow whites to join. They need the whites as workers because sometimes the white gang member has access to narcotic suppliers and the blacks may not. The white gang members of the Crips and Bloods know they will never achieve the highest leadership positions because of their color, but they feel safer to be a Crip or Blood in their neighborhood, than to not be one.

A couple of years back a female researcher and I conducted research at the Islamic Center of Blacksburg, VA (next door to Virginia Tech). I spoke with the mosque leader, Sedki Riad. He provided me material from Saudi Arabia (Saudi government). The issue of Arab superiority dominated the brochures and books he provided to me.

The below email is from Professor Sedki Riad (VT) to me. We were discussing Sharia law and materials that govern the Islamic way of life. Riad also informed me that he does not like the Virginia tech system and desires Sharia law in America.

(Email from Sedki Riad to Dave Gaubatz)

"You observation is true, Saudi Arabia is the lead country in producing
and distributing Islamic publication ( Kuwait is second, I believe).
I don't know about judging them to be the closest to an Islamic state?
There are a few countries that have some elements of the Islamic "state" to varying degrees. You may be surprised that Sudan strikes me as one that does a good job in this regard. They have more Islamic governing structure than Saudi Arabia ; although the US insists to
paint Al-Bashir as a tyrant/dictator.

Why don't the Arab-rich countries help? Well, they used to and they
want to... After 9/11, the Bush administration correlated all donations
with terrorism and scared donors from helping the support that we used
to get for Masjids and schools. Many were built by generous donations
from Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , etc. Currently, they are directing their charity outside the western world".


Sedki M. Riad, Ph.D., P.E. email: sriad@vt.edu

Director of VT-MENA Graduate Program
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech - Office: 459 Durham Hall
Mailing Address: 302 Whittemore Hall - 0111
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061, USA
Phone (540) 231-4463 - eFax (801) 684-8482

You may recall that Omar Al-Bashir being the Sudan President and accused to be the mastermind behind the Darfur genocide of hundreds of thousands of people.

You may also recall that Sedki Riad was asked to say the prayer for the VT students after the tragic murders on campus (16 April 2007).

You may want to ask why a professor at an American university is allowed to provide treasonous material on and off campus, advocate for Sharia law in America, and then teach our children.

'Racism and Bigotry' is alive and well throughout the world, and the leaders are Arab Muslims.
Dave Gaubatz

Friday, January 30, 2015

New Islamic Terrorist Group (AMT)

29 Jan 2015

Criminalize Islam and Sharia law!

The New Islamic Terrorist Group (AMT)
By: Dave Gaubatz
29 Jan 2015

One lie after another comes out of the mouths of Obama and his staff. The big rift now is their trying to identify the Taliban as a non terrorist organization. It doesn't seem to matter that they have murdered thousands of men, women, and children. Many were butchered by these animals.

It is important to understand there is only one terrorist Islamic group who kills in the name of Islam. This group I name is 'Allah's Muslim Terrorists or AMT'.

I use the following analogy: In America we have 32 football teams that fall under the NFL. To understand pro football you do not need to analyze the internal workings, names of players, or their coaches. Each of the 32 teams have one objective. They desire to win each game (battle) and to achieve the ultimate prize, the Super Bowl (war). The dozens of Islamic terrorist groups work in the same manner. Within each group they have players, their quarterbacks, and coaches. They don't necessarily like one another, but they are all fighting to form an Islamic caliphate.

AMT includes 'all' Muslims who commit Jihad activities, the people who provide material support to them, and the Muslims who adhere to Sharia law. Even if a Muslim has in his heart the love and support for the mujahadeen, he/she is a member of AMT.

Do not let the various names such as ISIS. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Taliban, CAIR, ISNA, Hamas, and many others confuse you. They all have one objective: Form an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Sharia law.

We should spread the name of the AMT terrorist group. Allah's Muslim Terrorists is a more designed and accurate description of the people worldwide who work toward an Islamic caliphate.
This definition would include the hundreds of thousands of Muslims around thew world and in America that clap, sing, burn the American and Israeli flags, and any Muslim in America who does not pledge his allegiance to America and the U.S. Constitution.

Using the name AMT to describe Muslims who have a desire to establish an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Sharia law will hasten innocent people worldwide to know who the enemy is. AMT will help fine tune the branding of the Islamic ideology as the #1 threat to our world.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Taliban & Al Qaeda are one in the same

One lie after another comes out of the mouths of Obama and his staff. The big rift now is their trying to identify the Taliban as a non terrorist organization. It doesn't seem to matter that they have murdered thousands of men, women, and children. Many were butchered by these animals.

It is important to understand there is only one terrorist Islamic group who kills in the name of Islam. This group I call 'Allah's Muslim Terrorists or AMT. AMT includes 'all' Muslims who commit Jihad activities, the people who provide material support to them, and the Muslims who adhere to Sharia law. Even if a Muslim has in his heart the love and support for the mujahadeen, he/she is a member of AMT.

Do not let the various names such as ISIS. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Taliban, CAIR, ISNA, Hamas, and many others confuse you. They all have one objective: Form an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Sharia law.