Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Firsthand Research at the Islamic Society of Boston Mosques

Research Conducted in Boston Mosques

By: Dave Gaubatz

Author: Muslim Mafia

19 Dec 2017

The FBI does not have the capabilities to conduct firsthand research in the 3000 plus mosques in America, so who does it on a nickel budget? Dave Gaubatz, a former U.S. federal agent, author of 'Muslim Mafia', and a U.S. State Department trained Arabic linguist does what the FBI can't do for politically correct reasons and because they (FBI Agents) do not have the required training to undertake such a task. Yes, in the past the FBI has conducted a few investigations in mosques, but they use unreliable and often dirty confidential informants who are primarily Muslim and working off crimes they have committed. It is a security issue to use dirty sources when the stake of our country and more importantly our children will be harmed when mistakes are made or the informant has more loyalties toward Islam than America and the U.S. Constitution.

Since returning from Iraq in 2003 (as the 1st U.S. federal agent assigned to the war zone at the beginning of operation Iraqi Freedom) Dave has conducted firsthand research in over 300 plus mosques inside America alone. Dave made a pledge after leaving federal service in late 2003. He swore to his family he would conduct the same level of investigations that he had while a Special Agent, but instead of putting valuable classified information inside a secure safe and stamping the intelligence 'Secret or Top Secret', he would as a civilian provide the intelligence he gathers first to the public, then the media, then law enforcement, and lastly to politicians. Dave explained the majority of U.S. government classified information is classified not because it is a national security risk to release the intelligence, but because mistakes were often made while collecting the intelligence and it keeps all government personnel safe from public scrutiny.

After every Islamic terrorist attack in America the public always wants to know which mosque the Muslim attended and what intelligence does the FBI have on that particular mosque. Seldom does the public ever get answers to these important questions. More intriguing is why do most large media outlets ignore this issue as well? The answer is most of our media outlets are no more than propaganda tools for either the conservative or liberal news corporations and when Islam may receive negative attention, there is a 'hands off approach'. Who suffers? The American citizens who pay taxes and payroll government officials who are supposed to be providing security for our country.

Americans are very much aware of the sadistic and cowardly Islamic terrorist attack two brothers (Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) committed in Boston, MA, during the Boston Marathon on 13 April 2013. Dave, like most American citizens wanted to know which mosques the brothers attended, what is being advocated at the mosques, and if violence against innocent people is being advocated, then why do the authorities allow the mosque to remain open?

It is believed the brothers attended two of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) mosques. One is located in Cambridge and the other is in Roxbury. Dave Gaubatz conducted firsthand research inside both of these mosques and he had a trusted witness observe at both locations. While Dave was a federal agent his primary duties were counterintelligence and counter-terrorism. Our government relied on him to investigate, evaluate the threat level of persons or organizations, and recommend solutions to neutralize the threats against America and its people.

In Oct 2017, non government citizens in the Boston area requested Dave to travel to Boston and conduct an analysis of the two mosques the Tsarnaev brothers had attended. The citizens had lost faith in our FBI to conduct investigations based on their inexperience and political biases against America, and instead in favor of Islam.

On 27 Oct 2017, Dave, along with a witness visited both ISB mosques and based on the following criteria evaluated their potential risks to America and our citizens.

  1. Materials found on the premises
  2. Ties to known Muslim terrorists
  3. Shariah adherence

ISB (Roxbury Mosque): Dave rated this mosque very 'High' for worshipers to commit terrorists attacks in America in the near future. This mosque has an Islamic bookstore attached with thousands of books and Dvds. All Islamic subjects are covered to include advocating Shariah law for America, by force if needed, and the various levels of Jihad, to include physical Jihad. Additionally inside the prayer room there are numerous Islamic manuals calling for killing Christians and Jewish people worldwide and calling for the Muslim people in America to educate themselves on the newest types of military weapons and to arm themselves for Jihad in the future when called upon. Slavery, child marriages, and killing homosexuals worldwide was also being advocated. The ISB has known Muslim terrorists within its background. ISB was founded by the terrorist Abdulrahman Almoudi. He plead guilty in 2004 in a U.S. federal court and convicted. He had provided over 1 million dollars to Al Qaeda. In addition we know the Boston Marathon Bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers had attended the ISB mosques. Dave observed approximately 1000 plus worshipers and evaluated their adherence to Shariah while in the mosque. The worshipers were strictly adherent to Shariah law.

ISB Cambridge Mosque: Dave rated this mosque a Medium to High rating. The only difference in this ISB mosque in comparison to the Roxbury mosque is that the Cambridge mosque was smaller with fewer worshipers and fewer materials. The small amount of materials they did have advocated exactly what the Roxbury mosque had. It must be noted that the majority of violent materials at both mosques were published in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The following is my recommendation for the media, politicians, and law enforcement:

MEDIA: It is imperative media organizations warn citizens of the potential for violence the mosques I analyzed to be of "High Risk" and to put pressure on our law enforcement and politicians to conduct criminal and civil investigations in order to prosecute Islamic leaders conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and conduct violence against innocent Americans inside and outside of our country

POLITICIANS: Elected officials from both liberal and conservative sides must demand our law enforcement from local, state, and federal levels investigate mosques conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and harm innocent Americans, specifically targeting our children.  The mosques rated "High Risk" must have their non profit organization status removed by the authorizing federal agency (IRS) and immediately closed for the safety of American citizens.

 CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT: It is imperative U.S. law enforcement use legal means to fully investigate the leadership and worshipers of this mosque.  The ISB mosques should be closed down immediately based on their advocating of establishing an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Shariah law.

ISIS and Al Qaeda would be very proud of the ISB mosques and without any doubt they have loyal members from within.

If our media organizations, law enforcement, and politicians are either not willing or do not know that the Islamic ideology itself is a danger to America and is our number one world enemy, we will lose our beautiful land and our children will suffer in their lifetime as millions of innocent people already have who have firsthand experienced the atrocities of this dangerous ideology. Americans must also know that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are not the friends of America. They are friends and supporters of the Islamic world which desires a worldwide caliphate under Shariah law.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Portrait of an American Coward (Chief Nick Willard)

Manchester NH Police Chief Nick Willard  AKA Chief Chicken Little

Patriotic Readers:  Review this article and then contact Chief Willard and respectfully ask him to stop protecting Islamic terrorist supporters at the ISNH (Islamic Society of NH) but to protect innocent men, women, and children who love America and support the U.S. Constitution.  If he does not want to protect the innocent children of Manchester, then call for his firing.

On 30 June 2017, I conducted firsthand research at the ISNH mosque.  I had two witnesses.  One went inside the mosque with me, and the other remained outside the mosque.  The intent was to determine if this mosque was advocating hate toward non Muslims, Americans, Jews, and Muslims who did not want to follow the followings of a dangerous mosque leadership.  The article below by Jim Simpson summarizes my results.

The research at the mosque was simply to determine if the worshippers and mosque leadership were advocating the dangerous ideology of Islam to their worshippers.  The results were confirmed and analyzed by Dave Gaubatz.  The conclusion was I rated this mosque a 10 on a scale of 1 -10, with 10 being the most dangerous.  It was determined by the strict Sharia compliance and materials inside their mosque by convicted Muslim terrorists, CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood), MSA (Muslim Student Association/Muslim Brotherhood), and hate material from Saudi Arabia.

Immediately once Chief Chicken Little heard of my mosque research he made critical statement about me and never once requested an interview with me nor to look at any of the evidence.  He did what any coward who supports Islamic terrorists before he does U.S. War veterans like myself, he strongly insisted the mosque was not advocating hate and violence.  Chicken Little determined my analysis was wrong because he said one of his officers was with the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force).  To the naïve media and citizens of Manchester many took the word of Chief Chicken Little.

I can guarantee readers that Chief Chicken Little has never been inside a mosque to evaluate the potential for threat.  He has no clue what to look for in a mosque, and the officer Chief Little assigned to the JTTF, I am confident has no more training on what to look for in a mosque than Chief Little does.

I request patriotic citizens to reach deep inside and ask yourself if the Chief should have conducted a complete follow up on my analysis or to do what cowards do and immediately praise Islamic terrorist supporters.

My analysis concluded the following:

1.  Child marriages are being advocated at the ISNH
2.  Slavery is being advocated.
3.  The hatred of Jews and Christians is being advocated.
4.  Manuals inside the mosque advocate physical Jihad against innocent people around the world and yes, in America.
5.  Materials used by Islamic terrorists are in the mosque
6.  Support for CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood)
7.  Support of the most dangerous Muslim in America was in plain view (Imam Siraj Wahaaj)

Does this sound like a peaceful mosque?

Chief Chicken Little Crashes Patrol Car on his 1st day of work
If Chief Chicken Little can't drive a taxpayer paid patrol car at 5 mph, do you trust him to have a cool head in a crisis?  His crash cost taxpayers $10,000

A great article written by a fine journalist (Jim Simpson) that I encourage patriots to follow.

Complete article by Jim Simpson

Below is the article Jim Simpson wrote about my firsthand research at the Islamic Society of New Hampshire's Mosque on 30 June 2017

"A New Englander recently arranged for the assessment of the Islamic Society of New Hampshire’s (ISoNH) mosque in Manchester in that state. He had noticed a disproportionate number of military-age males visiting the mosque and heard from many local women who said they were frightened by the attitudes some of these men expressed toward them. The results of the man’s research were more frightening.
P. David Gaubatz, co-author of Muslim Mafia, was hired to assess this mosque. He is a former Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) federal agent who specialized in Islamic counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism. According to his book, he worked and lived in the Middle East for decades and was the first civilian federal agent in Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom (March 2003). That year he led a 15-man team to extract family members of the Iraqi lawyer who helped save Army Private First Class Jessica Lynch. He has investigated over 280 mosques in the U.S. alone and uses a rating system developed by a former Islamist, Tafik Hamid.
U.S. Islamists and their allies in the American Left have long sought to discredit this rating system as contrived nonsense created by Islamophobes, but that very effort calls into question their motives, expertise, and integrity. Tafik Hamid is a former member of Jamaa Islamiya (also known as al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya or, in English, Islamic Group),  — an Egyptian organization branded a terrorist group by the U.S. government, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was a member of this group, as was Omar Abdel-Rahman, the so-called “blind sheikh” convicted as the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Hamid has long since abandoned his radicalism and has become a widely-recognized Islamic reformer.
The rating system is based on numerous factors readily observant by how strictly the mosque conforms to Islamic standards and how aggressively it promotes Shariah (Islamic law). For example, are men and women allowed to worship in the same room? What kind of dress is mandatory, e.g. must women wear a niqab or hijab? Can they get away with a modern form of hijab? How does the imam dress? Details like rings worn and style of pants indicate the imam’s devotion to Wahhabism or other Islamic sects and to Shariah itself.
The imam’s dedication to Shariah is especially important because Shariah is a doctrine of political dominance and conquest, and Muslims who promote it are likely to promote jihad as a means to impose it.
The system also rates the mosque based on messages taught in sermons. For example, does the mosque promote the killing of gays, killing for apostasy, stoning women for infidelity, and Shariah-sanctioned slavery?
Gaubatz found that ISoNH was strictly observant and promoted all these ideas and more. Using a 1 to 10 rating scale, with 10 being the worst, Gaubatz assigned a grade of 10 for Shariah compliance and 9 for jihadist potential. He concluded:
The ISoNH is a Sunni/Saudi and Pakistani front for Islamic based terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. This mosque had very violent materials inside for worshippers that advocate the overthrow of America and physical Jihad against U.S. and Israeli targets. This is based on the mosque having the same Islamic manuals in their possession that Islamic terrorist groups utilize for their training. The ISoNH had material written and edited by a convicted Islamic terrorist supporter (Ali Al Timimi). The Imam and mosque worshippers were extremely Shariah compliant. ISIS and Al Qaeda would find this mosque acceptable for their training and education of Mujahideen fighters (Islamic terrorists).
Some of the literature referred to is shown in the below graphic:

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam was edited by twelve Islamic “scholars.” I have circled two names. Ali Al-Timimi — whom Gaubatz referenced — is now serving a life sentence for terrorism. Sheik Jamal Zarabozo is considered “too extreme” even for some Islamists as he advocates stoning to death for “heretics.”
Another brochure promoted at the mosque is Jihad in Islam. This 33-page document makes clear that the goals of Islam are to subjugate the world. Under the heading What Jihad Really Is? (sic) it states:
In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihād’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective…
…Islam requires the earth—not just a portion, but the whole planet—not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one nation or several nations and vested in one particular nation, but because the entire mankind should benefit from the ideology and welfare programme or what would be truer to say from ‘Islam’ which is the programme of well-being for all humanity. Towards this end, Islam wishes to press into service all forces which can bring about a revolution and a composite term for the use of all these forces is ‘Jihad’. (p. 5)
Many U.S. mosques are little more than meeting places and training centers for Islamic terrorists. For example, the Tsarnaev brothers and many other terrorists regularly attended the Islamic Society of Boston. Why is it still open?
Officials at all levels of government, including within many police forces, have been gripped by a fever of political correctness that virtually guarantees we will remain blind to the danger such mosques pose until it is too late.
Former Manchester Ward 2 Republican State Rep. Greg Salts read aloud from Gaubatz’s report on the Manchester mosque at a recent public meeting of the local Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The response from elected officials was predictable. Instead of seriously considering Gaubetz’s warning, they acted offended, using the familiar slur popularized by the Southern Poverty Law Center, “hate speech.”
Following are some of their comments as published in Manchester’s Union Leader:
Alderman Chairman Patrick Long: “Personally this hate talk has no place in this city, that’s just my opinion.”
Alderman-at-Large Dan O’Neil: “There is no need in the city of Manchester for hatred. I know this board won’t stand for it; our citizens won’t stand for it.”
Manchester Chief of Police Nick Willard: “What [Gaubatz] wrote in this piece of paper is slanderous. I do not believe the mosque is a hotbed for terrorism. I don’t trust this gentleman’s research. I think he is trying to sell a book. I think the guy is a crackpot and I don’t believe we have those issues in this city.
As quoted in the newspaper, Gaubatz responded:
I get that same reaction a lot of the time. They don’t want to admit they have a problem in their area and it took an outsider to find it and identify it.
Gaubatz added to those remarks during a telephone interview for this article:
In response to Chief Willard’s ill-considered remarks I say this: ‘Chief Willard is a poor excuse for a senior law enforcement officer.  He has no clue what to look for in a mosque. The tax payers of his community deserve a Chief who supports them and not mosque leaders who support the teachings of ISIS. Finally, I do not receive any royalties for my book, so it is both ignorant and insulting to dismiss my report as an effort to sell books. It was provided for the benefit and as a warning to the Manchester community. What does the Chief care more about, Manchester or the mosque?’
At every level, we see daily demonstrations of how corrupt and incompetent our “leaders” have become. This is a situation that cannot stand. We still have the vote. I hope it can save us from these useful idiots for Islamism before the terrorism being contemplated in many corners throughout the U.S. strikes yet again.
I am not holding my breath".

Monday, August 14, 2017

10 Reasons to Criminalize Islam

Ten Reasons to Criminalize Islam
1. Islam is not a religion. Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to covertly spread Islam and sharia law throughout the world.
2. Islam advocates child marriages. Prophet Mohammed is the pure example of Islam to all Muslims and he married an innocent six year old girl and raped her repeatedly while she was a child.
3. Islam dictates that no man made law is above Sharia law. Islamic scholars routinely teach young Muslim children to hate America and the U.S. Constitution.
4. Islam scholars demand Muslims show no allegiance to any country, specifically America and Israel. Muslim children in America are taught to not stand for the American flag.
5. Physical jihad is advocated toward all non Muslims and non Muslim countries.
6. Islamic scholars distribute materials through their mosques and Islamic book stores advocating the overthrow of America and the total destruction of Israel.
7. There are Islamic organizations in America that advocate Muslims to kill Jews and Christians (and apostates of Islam) wherever they find them, and specifically in America.
8. Mosques are safe havens for Islamic terrorists and their materials for war. We saw this in Iraq and it is being conducted in America.
9. Numerous mosques distribute manuals to their worshippers advocating killing U.S. Law enforcement officers and how to go underground to escape apprehension. This manual is originated in Brooklyn, NY, and placed in mosques throughout America.
10. Their are Islamic terrorist supporters throughout our government at all levels, there are Islamic terrorist supporters in our liberal media, law enforcement, and military.

We must understand the goal of Islam is to dominate the entire world and place all countries under shariah law.

Protect our children by advocating the criminalization of Islam in America. Instead of designating various Islamic groups as terrorist organization, designate Islam as the enemy and a criminal organization. The people who run Islam are part of the organized crime unit known as the Muslim Mafia. Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

If you are interested in helping Dave investigate Islamic based terrorism in America please go to www.wearenotafraid.blogspot.com and donate

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


FISA Warrants

By: Dave Gaubatz

7 Mar 2017

FISA warrants and the investigation into whether Obama ordered one is hog wash at the highest level. Today my dad who is 78 called me and asked a vital question about the FISA warrants and criminal warrants the Democrats and Republicans are fighting about. He said, "Dave you were a Federal Agent, if your boss wanted you to carryout a task did you ask him for his written authority to do so? I said "of course not, when we received orders from our superiors we carried them out without question". He then said, "don't you think if Obama wanted something done like wiretaps that he knew were wrong, unethical, and criminal that he would not write anything down he would simply inform his subordinates to carry the action out and it would filter to the street level people to carry out the specific orders?

My father a 78 year old man with limited education figured out the way criminals do things without having a criminal history, law enforcement training political or journalist experiences. In todays world high level criminals understand that using the computers o writing letters to their subordinates is public and open information, even at the classified level numerous people can read them. Of course there his a Congressional investigation any and all written communications can be and will be obtained.

I was a Federal Agent for over 15 year with the highest U.S. Government clearances. High level criminals are usually well educated people ad they know how to cover themselves from being a target of a civil or criminal investigation.

This is how it would work if Obama wanted President Trumps 'Trump Towers' wiretapped. Obama would talk secretly in private (outside of the White House office) with a senior government official he trusted and was a hard core liberal themselves. He would discuss what he wanted done and the senior official would channel it down with one on one discussions with other senior officials and finally it would be discussed with CIA/NSA or military intelligence operatives. Likely the U.S. military were involved with carrying out the orders of the President. Military personnel will carry out orders without any questions whatsoever. They assume their superior is instructing them todo something tat has been approved. Many times Americans feel the highest feel intelligence people with all the proper clearances and experience are the CIA and NSA. The military are much better prepared and much more close mouthed about what they do than civilian employees of the CIA. They are in the U.S. military and if they leak intelligence they will be court martialed without publicity and they will go to Fort Leavenworth for the rest of their lives. In addition they are more loyal their superiors than the civilians of the CIA and NSA.

It I a 100% certainty that Obama and his staff di not use the FBI. Today the FBI is purely a political machine. The senior staff will burn you in a hard way and have no loyalty to their street level agents.

I cant discuss operations I had in the intelligence field with such operations, but I can say if my Commander brought me and my team to his office and gave us orders to do something we would have done it without question because we believed in his loyalty to our country. This is not always true with civilian intelligence agencies.

In the meantime journalists, their puppet guest speakers, politicians, and other personnel will investigate the wiretapping allegations and conclude they reviewed FISA and criminal files of the FBI and could find no document that links Obama to any wiretapping orders. Of course they will find routine and basic FBI reports that targeted a few low level Trump staff, but will determine no criminal activity was revealed.

Of course Obama had Trump Towers and many other locations wiretapped, but never will there be any evidence found. Seldom do military operations organizations get request to turn over their Top Secret files on such activities of wiretappings. They are never suspected to be the people our senior leaders turn to when they suspect the President of the U.S. has ordered criminal wiretapping orders. If the Navy Seals (American heroes) an take out Osama Bin Laden do you think they could not be used to tap a few phones.

Wake up FOX News and others. Stop boring us when you know nothing will come of a FISA investigation.