Sunday, November 27, 2022

For Those Curious

 For over 40 years I have worked, studied, and researched Islamic issues. As a federal agent I had relied only on first hand evidence.

The 40 year analysis is this. The Islamic ideology is extremely dangerous and most of all it endangers every child on earth. All children are innocent.  Any ideology that advocates, as Islam does that it is appropriate to marry six year old girls is dangerous.

I have been in over 400 mosques. Each and every one advocates for child marriage as their prophet Mohammed did to his followers. Mohammed married an innocent six year old child and raped her for years.

Thankfully, most people who identify with Islam do not desire violence or the hurting of children. These people instead of being Muslim are actually apostates of Islam.

I owe my life to numerous Muslims who have saved my life on more than one occasion. My fellow researchers have been Muslim and desire to abolish the dangerous aspects of Islam.  My best friends are and have been Muslim.  We are working together to help innocent children if all faiths.

If there is any reader who believes the abuse of children as advocated by Islam is acceptable, please contact me and I will distribute your name worldwide.  Islam is dangerous.  Dave G.  26 Nov 2022

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

FBI illegally raids Trump's home

 We are sadly in the early stages of Civil War 2.0.  The FBI is now no longer a neutral federal law enforcement agency. They are now an arm of the Biden Mafia.  I was a federal agent for 15 years and this is sad to see.  If the federal agents of the FBI do not resign in protest to the illegal treatment of America's best president by far, they are in bed with the corrupt Biden Mafia.

We are now living in a 3rd world political environment. Our children will be the victims.  In my professional opinion there is no longer any honor for one to a member of the FBI.  They have disgraced themselves and their agency. Sad, sad, sad.....

Friday, February 4, 2022

Are there ANY GOOD Muslims?


Ok, now its time to discuss the very controversial subject about Islam that few will touch, especially major news networks, to include our dearly beloved FOX News.


My question yesterday was, “Are there ANY GOOD Muslims”?  If MSM would dwell into this matter, as well as politicians, we could defeat Islamic based terrorism. If they would investigate what I am saying Islam would be banned from America and other countries would follow. They will not, so it is likely we will lose.


In no way am I boasting about my expertise in Islamic issues, because there are no counter-terrorism EXPERTS (to include myself).  Some think they are but it takes an enormous amount of work to understand Islam enough to debate it with Islamic scholars.  The vast majority of so called CT experts have never been inside a mosque aside from a pseudo interfaith program designed by Islamic terrorists. Can one be a medical doctor and never enter a hospital?


If you are a skim reader or just look at the first and last paragraph you will not get the complete insight into my article.


So new people to my FB page will know my background I must share it.  20 years USAF (OSI), Top Secret clearances and above, 15 years as U.S. federal agent, 1st civilian federal agent in Iraq, U.S. State Dept. Arabic linguist, conducted firsthand research for 6 months inside the belly of all Islamic terrorist groups (CAIR), author of Muslim Mafia, conducted firsthand research inside U.S. based mosques (400 plus), studied Islam, by Islamic scholars for 40 years.  Had former Al Qaeda member leave Islam and come to America to work with me and teach me everything he knows about Islam and Islamic terrorists.  He and his family lived in my home for 6 months.  When I go into mosque I go as a Pure Muslim (Pure Muslim will be discussed later).  I have had five Shahada’s (pseudo) conversions into Islam with several high profile Islamic scholars as my witnesses and mentors.  I have interviewed hundreds of Imams, Al Qaeda prisoners, and more.  Now with all of this no one has ever heard me call myself a CT EXPERT. NEVER!  There is little I know how to do, but I am pretty good at putting the pieces of Islam together.  Steve Emerson is the closest to being the CT CZAR in regards to Islam.  If you are going to follow anyone he should be the person.


Before I fully answer this question I need to define some words.  Believe it or not I had a wannabe Bill Clinton hammering me to define ANY and GOOD!  As far as I know you can still look in a dictionary, cant you? 


Islam:  Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses the term religion as a tool to achieve their goal of establishing Islam worldwide and under Sharia law.  (These are exact words used by Imams to me when they thought I was a Pure Muslim.


ANY:  Means everyone in regards to the group you are discussing.


GOOD:  In the context of my question GOOD is referring to GOOD person.  In the scheme of things you are either a good person or bad.  No in between.  EXAMPLE: If you go to church 32 times a week, donate 2 million a week to the Red Cross and Veterans groups, but on Thursdays this person sexually assaults his relative, the person is NO GOOD because of the harm to a child he has done. It does not matter one little bit about the positives, one major negative rules them out.


MUSLIM: As stated by numerous Islamic scholars through their books and by hundreds of Imams and Muslims the following is a basic definition of a Muslim.  You must believe in and advocate the following. 1. Islam is the only religion on earth (keep in mind they use the term religion as a tool).  There are no other religions aside from Islam.  2.  There is only 1 God and he is not the God of Christians and Jews.  3. Prophet Mohammed is the ideal character for all of mankind to follow.  He never did anything wrong and you must always support him, advocate for him, and strive to follow in his footsteps.  You can never ever say anything negative about him. Anything Mohammed did or said in his life is perfection and the manner mankind should seek to be like. The Quran is the most holy book on earth.


PURE MUSLIM:  A Muslim who strives everyday to be like Mohammed and is never critical of Islam, Mohammed, or the Quran.  In addition to the above a Pure Muslim must be willing to give his life through Jihad Qital (physical fighting).


APOSTATE:  Is any person who claims to be Muslim but does not advocate everything Mohammed said or did.  Sharia law demands every aspect of Islam must be followed 100% of the time. Not 99% or even less. Islam does not allow part time Muslims.  Your all in or your out.


Now to answer the question.  Are there any GOOD Muslims?  I could write a book on this subject but the short answer is NO, for the following reasons.

  1. Islam itself does not allow for a person to be GOOD.  GOOD people do not agree with things Mohammed did or advocated for.  Examples: Mohammed was in his 50’s when he married a 6 year old innocent child named Aisha. Muslims will tell you he consummated the marriage when she was 9.  Consummate is an incorrect term when referring to a child.  Children can never give consent to sex. Mohammed RAPED Aisha when she was 9, and before that he sexually abused her and recommended to his friends that they should acquire a child as Aisha. Note:  There will be some people who try to apologize about Mohammed marrying a six year old child and they will tell you it was for political reasons. 100% FALSE.  Aisha had a sister about 18 years older than her (Asma bint Abi Bakr).  Mohammed could have married her, but instead he wanted a 6 year old innocent child to abuse.  FACT. During my mosques visits I have uncovered child marriages being advocated in most of the mosques.  Also, my team and I have found 7 year old Muslim girls married to elderly men (Nashville, TN).
  2. Mohammed advocated and killed thousands of Christians and Jews.
  3. Mohammed established SLAVERY within Islam.  He could have abolished it but he did not.  There are several Islamic based countries who only recently abolished slavery, but only because they needed the assistance of Western powers.  Slavery still exists in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, and other countries.  Muslims will never denounce the practice of slavery because to do so would make them an apostate of Islam, which is punishable by death.
  4. Everything Mohammed did or said can never be changed.  It is for all times and places.


These four are but a handful of matters a Muslim must be willing to give his/her life for.


Now using only example #1. I ask again.  If a person advocates or is involved in the sexual assault of a child can that person be considered GOOD?  The answer is NO.


Some of you suggested they know some Muslims and they are GOOD people.  I am telling you either they are deceiving you or they are an APOSTATE of Islam. Lucky for the world there are millions of people associated with Islam and they are good people, but they are not Muslim.  These good neighbors, coworkers, etc.. that you meet may indeed be great people, but Islam itself says they are not Muslim because they do not support 100% of everything Mohammed said or did.


Again, one cannot endorse the abuse of children or other atrocities and be a GOOD person.  One simply can’t.


Believe it or not I had someone want to debate that sexually abusing a child does not make them a BAD person.  He said in the eyes of the law there is no difference between raping a child or raping an adult woman.  WOW!  So if a person rapes an adult woman are they GOOD?  Of course not. There are many in prison that have hurt children and it is a guarantee they consider the rape of a child or adult an ass kicking event.


I close with this analogy: Are there ANY GOOD people who are ANTIFA or the KKK?  The answer is no again because these groups demand their members abide by criminal and/or immoral activity.  If they were good people they would leave these cults.


Email me for any questions at  There is a high likelihood I will be in FB jail because liberals don’t want to hear the truth.  Dave G