Marxists Will Begin More Violence on Election Day
Dave Gaubatz travels America collecting 1st hand national security intelligence. The objective is to destroy Islamic based terrorist groups, their supporters, the Marxist BLM terrorist group and ANTIFA (terrorist group). Our goal is to destroy/neutralize these anti-American groups by using the most powerful weapon in the world, which is America's U.S. Constitution. Support our efforts and you will be protecting America 4R children.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
On 3 Nov 2020 Expect Riots By Left Wing Thugs Supported By Biden & Harris
On the night of the election (3 Nov 2020) I guarantee ANTIFA and other left wing terrorists will start very violent riots in most American cities (big and small). Biden and Harris support this type violence. President Trump will win by a large majority, but it will not be recognized by Biden. Once Trump wins he should immediately imprison Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the Clintons, and Mr. and Mr. Obama for treason and sedition. Then he should immediately imprison ANTIFA, BLM, and their supporters.
I give you a 100% guarantee on the night of 3 Nov 2020, American's will see more violence than they have ever witnessed in their lifetime. Be prepared to protect your property and family. Dave Gaubatz, Retired USAF, Retired U.S. federal Agent, Author: Muslim MAFIA
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Sketch of Child Rapist Prophet Mohammed
I have been in over 400 Islamic mosques. Each time I go I ask Muslims and Imams to provide a description of Mohammed. Yesterday I had a professional artist draw a picture of this child rapist. CAIR confirmed based on their historical data this is exactly how Mohammed would have looked. Dave Gaubatz, Author: Muslim Mafia
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Southern Poverty Law Center Is America's #1 Hate and Treasonous Group
During my career as a federal agent from 1988 until late 2003, myself and hundreds of thousands of federal agents were trained in counterterrorism matters and provided government intelligence on domestic terrorist groups and people. Guess who our government did and likely still contracts with to provide agents intelligence they need in order to target, fight, arrest, and prosecute terrorists operating inside America? You guessed it. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is the civilian organization thousands upon thousands of agents receive their firsthand training from. The sad truth is the SPLC is America's number one hate group, domestic terrorist group itself, and it is managed by seditious traitors to our country.
THE SPLC has informed federal agents all across America that militia groups, conservative organizations (such as the Center For Security Policy), veterans, and thousands of conservatives are America's domestic terrorist threat. For many years I have been on this hate groups list of 'right wing extremists'. The SPLC does not list ANTIFA, BLM, CAIR, ISNA, any prominent Muslim such as Imam Siraj Wahhaj, or the dozens of elected Muslims in America as being extremists or a national security threat. There are millions of left wing loonies in America and they fail to make the SPLC list. The very top extremists and threats to our national security are Obama, Biden, Harris, AOC, Pelosi and the Clintons. I am simply being honest and to prove this one need only ask Americans and at least 50 million people will agree.
When our great President (Trump) continues draining the swamp he needs to include the SPLC as a group he sends to prison for conspiring to destroy America. I will close by defining what the SPLC states a right wing extremist is:
1. A person who loves God and America
2. A person who believes the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land.
3. A person who has served in the U.S. military, or a dependent, or supporter of our military.
4. A person who believes the majority of our law enforcement officers are good, honest people.
5. A person who is not ashamed to fly the American flag.
6. A person who stands up through social media, rallies, and peaceful protests to demand our elected leaders do the job they were elected to do and paid to do.
7. A person who believes the family unit consists of husband, wife, and children who are born either male or female. This does not mean we do not respect other people, but we do not believe two men or two women marrying, or people determining in their later years that they are not of the gender they were born as is Christian.
8. A person who does not believe in murdering unborn children or infants as VA. Gov. Northam does
9. A person who believe parents control the lives of their children and not the government.
10. Finally, a person who does not want our educational leaders to change American history.
The list of 10 as mentioned above are the type people who developed this country and we are proud of our country. No, slavery was not good, but if blacks from countries outside of America had not sold their own people into slavery, there would have been no slavery in America. There has been slavery from the dawn of man and within Islam, slavery is still allowed as of 2020, but the SPLC ignores this fact. I will add #11: We love Israel and the Jewish people.
So who are the extremists and who are America's national security threats? Democrats, liberals, socialist, communists, or better yet they can be defined as America's traitors with the SPLC leading their fight. Dave G.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Who Do I love and Who I Hate
For over 20 years I served my country in the USAF and then as a federal agent. I have written hundreds of articles pertaining to America's national security. I have been called many names by thousands of people. Some are nice comments and some are filled with pure hate. Many people say I hate Muslims, some say I am an Islamaphobe, hater, bigot, etc. If people became neutral and read my articles with an open mind and not pick out one or two words, they would know who and what I love and who and what I hate.
To begin with I hate to use the word hate. I am a Christian, but not always the best example. For instance I simply can't love you if you want to harm our children and America. Sorry, just can't, but the Bible says I should. The word 'hate' causes so many reactions and automatically labels one an evil person. So when I say I hate someone or something it is because it stirs such a reaction in me that in order for me to use that word I have to think of something I hate the most. Hitler and what he did to the innocent millions of Jewish people in WWII is the purest form of hate I can describe. I hate Hitler and anyone who followed his orders.
Now, people and things I love:
: I love God
: I love my family
: I love America
: I love people who love God and America
; I love our military, especially the USAF
: I love all animals (except copperheads!)
; I love America's U.S. Constitution
: I love our law enforcement if they love and follow the U.S. Constitution
: I love all people regardless of race, nationality, or religious beliefs
Now, people and things I hate
I hate anyone or anything that goes against what I love. For instance: If you do not love your family or if you do not love America and our Constitution, I do not love you. If you are a terrorist and seek to harm America and our country I hate you. If you harm innocent people or animals, especially children, I hate you. I hate the Islamic ideology (which is not a religion), but I love individual Muslims (who do not hate the things I love). I hate law enforcement officers who do not love America or our Constitution. I hate military Generals who have taken an oath to protect America, yet behind the backs of our President (Trump) they conspire to overthrow him. To these people I truly despise and hate. I hate most politicians because they lie, cheat, steal, and harm America. I hate ANTIFA, BLM, and Islamic terrorist groups. I hate CAIR.
Now, instead of talking mouthpieces who are brave behind their computers but cowards when confronting a person one on one, I have finally clarified who I love and who I hate, so you don't have to guess anymore. There are so many biased cowards in the world who try to tell me and my supporters who I am, that finally I can clarify it for all to see. Does any of this mean anything? Yes. To me. Oh, and I hate the Covid 19 Hoax and all who have joined in on calling this a pandemic. A pandemic is a disease that in all likelihood would cause death if untreated. Covid 19 is basically harmless to 99.7% of all people who are infected by it and most would not even know they have if they hadn't randomly been tested. Most that have died were people who had very serious health issues before they caught Covid and would have died regardless. This HOAX has caused thousands of people to commit suicide, go hungry, go broke, and live their final minutes on earth lonely and depressed, like the thousands of elderly who are isolated in hospitals and nursing homes. Dave G.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Will Elected Sheriff's Obey the Constitution or Commie Biden?
There are approximately 3000 elected Sheriff's in America. I am a retired USAF (OSI) agent and retired civilian federal agent. It is my professional opinion that at least 2900 of the 3000 Sheriff's in America violated their oaths by enforcing non constitutional laws pertaining to the Covid 19 Hoax. The majority of these Sheriff's followed the directions of liberal/communist political leaders instead of following the U.S. Constitution they have sworn to uphold.
If Commie Biden wins the Presidential election it is certain he and his commie followers such as Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Omar and the hundreds of other elected officials will illegally bring down our Constitution which means 1st Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech) and 2nd Amendment Rights (Right to Bear Arms) will be abolished.
Now the big question. How many of the 3000 Sheriff's will obey illegal orders and arrest citizens for 1st and 2nd Amendment rights even though they know the Constitution allows the citizen the rights of free speech and the authority to bear arms??? The simple answer is that sadly most Sheriff's will remain compliant to the illegal whims of liberals/communists. Many people ask me why they do this. My only answer is that it makes their life easier to follow illegal orders than to stand up against the liberal army which includes the media, politicians, federal law enforcement, and the top Generals in our military. At the end of the day they can go home to their family and still get a paycheck. If they 'buck' the system they may lose everything.
My advise to fellow American citizens: Support your law enforcement only to the degree they support the U.S. Constitution. If they show a record of obeying illegal orders from communist politicians, then my advise is to not give them your support. The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. The law is not the radical imagination of communist politicians. Biden and his fellow communist can go straight to hell. Anyway, just my professional advise. Dave G.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Covid 19 is a Worldwide Communist Hoax
Facebook reprimanded me because I said Covid 19 was a hoax. Do not ever trust any of the social media sites. They are ran by Communists. Dave G.
Friday, October 9, 2020
Wolverine Watchmen a Left Wing Militia Group
The Wolverine Watchmen according to sources I have spoken with are primarily anti-TRUMP. If so this makes them a left wing militia. regardless they were attempting to conduct a citizen's arrest of Gov. Whitmer (MI) and hold her accountable in a court of law for treason and sedition.
I wholeheartedly agree with the forming of militias in America because it is a constitutional right to do so. I also believe Gov. Whitmer should be arrested, but at this stage in Civil War II it should be done by an elected Sheriff and not the militia. If the Wolverine watchman are a right wing militia group it serves absolutely no purpose in attempting to arrest the traitor Whitmer at this time.
We need to allow our elected Sheriff's to have opportunities to arrest known traitors throughout America, but when they have shown after the elections that they are not going to do their sworn duties, then it is my professional opinion the militia groups will make citizen arrests and rightfully so.
Neither myself or most Americans want any form of violence or non constitutional actions to occur, in the end Americans must protect America from becoming a communist controlled country. Do you want your children to live in 24 hour lockdown and be 'shithole' countries like Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, and many others as Trump previously described? I do not.
We must support militia groups, but only when they act in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. Allow our Sheriff's to do their jobs, but again when the Sheriff's say or show us they will not defend America, then the militia groups and all patriotic Americans must do so. Dave G.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Do Not Become Compliant to Liberal/Communist Leaders in America
My daughter is the 5 year old in them middle. This was taken with the nieces of Mohammed Rehaief. Of course the innocent girls with my daughter are Muslim and to this day I would give my life for them. The Rehaief family had provided intelligence in 2003 to American forces in order to assist in the rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch who was captured and tortured by Saddam forces. For the efforts of heroism of the Rehaief family I was able to obtain their transfer to America so they would be safe. Now the lives of all Americans are in jeopardy, not just overseas, but here in our beautiful country.
I offer my professional opinion to all Americans:
1. We are in the midst of Civil War II in America. The liberals/communists are doing their utmost to destroy our country and the future of our children (which includes Christians, Jews, and little Muslim children like those with my daughter above).
2. In the rare case that Biden 'steals' the presidential election next month I advise all patriotic Americans to NOT follow non Constitutional laws, executive orders, or whatever the communist leaders in America dictate. The new orders they will prescribe to us will be in an effort to make you compliant and slave like (the same type slavery BLACKS over 200 years ago started by selling their own people to countries around the globe. Yes, BLACKS sold their own people for profit and it is they who should be blamed today for slavery that occurred in America.
3. Mouthpieces like G. Beck will tell you to be prepared for civil war and to fight the enemy, yet his definition of fighting is to hold a 15 cent piece of cardboard up into the faces of ANTIFA and BLM. I do not want physical war and pray it does not come to this in America, but my analysis is that it will. Never in the history of the world has there been a war that has not been won without combat type weapons. Never, Ever... When the term war is used it means that after peaceful negotiations the two sides cannot come to terms with one another. Then physical war begins. This is where America will be after the Nov 2020 elections. All Americans must be prepared to defend their property and families, and my friends G. Beck's and Hannity's proposal to fight with carboard will only get you and your families injured or killed.
If the so called conservative voices like Beck and Hannity are going to strongly inform the American people we are in the beginnings of Civil War II, and innocent Patriots will continue to be physically attacked much worse than they are now, then they should be professional enough to tell you how to stay alive. They know protesting with cardboard signs will get you hurt, yet they continue to tell you to do this. They should be brave enough to shut up and stand down. They need to allow people with realistic solutions to voice their concerns. Will they do this? No, and this is why America will almost 100% certainly lose to a communist takeover.
Covid 19 was a test by communist leaders to see how compliant American citizens are. The results are that due to years of brainwashing American citizens from both the left and right are primarily 'pushovers' and do whatever their communist leaders tell them to do. We must understand men in America are not like the American men of World War II (these men both democrat and republican loved their country). Can you imagine General Patton telling Americans to fight the Germans and Japanese in the manner Beck and Hannity demand? Patton would have slapped both Beck and Hannity and told these cowards to go home and hide under their beds while true patriots protect America. Dave G.
Friday, October 2, 2020
VP Biden and his Cocaine using Son (Hunter)
Today my Dad (82yo) asked me if it was true that VP Biden's son Hunter had received a Bronze Star while he was a reservist in the Navy. Remember Hunter got his criminal ass kicked out of the Navy because of his cocaine use. I told my Dad he may have received the Bronze Star but it is rather common for an officer to receive versus the difficulty of an enlisted member to receive. regardless, 'Communist Hunter Biden' received his because he was an officer and son of VP Biden. like President Trump said though, Hunter Biden was 'kicked out' of the military for dishonorable actions. He was a piss poor example to the troops under him, beside him, and above him. The U.S. military was essentially telling hunter that he was very lucky he didn't go to prison and be glad he was going to go home and be able to commit further criminal acts.
Hunter got multi-million dollar paychecks from 'Communist China' and others only because he was the son of a 'Communist VP'. the same goes for his military medal. An analogy: A police officer may have received awards for actions while on duty, but later if he is charged with felonies, the police or Sheriff's Dept. will tell him/her that it doesn't matter what you did before your arrest, you are a felon and a dishonor to the badge.
the bronze Star is the 5th highest medal a military member can receive, by the Bronze Star doesn't have to be for combat action or heroic actions. "the Bronze Star is not a combat-specific award and can be presented for achievement or meritorious service as well as combat performance above the call of duty".
For military members receiving this for actual honorable service and not simply because you are an officer and/or the son of a politician, then the member should be praised, but not Hunter Biden.
The photograph is of Obama when he served as the first U.S. President to also be the leader of an Islamic Muslim terrorist group (sarcasm or is it). Dave Gaubatz