Thursday, November 26, 2020

Covid 19 and Masks

 Do you believe masks prevent Covid 19? Well let's just for a minute assume they do.  Then why are people who wear masks so concerned I do not?  If an elderly person or persons with major illnesses are wearing a mask then they are protected from people who decline to wear one, right?  Why are Walmart employees chasing after me when I enter a store without a mask?  If masks prevent Covid 19 then stop harnessing people who choose not to wear one.  The truth is your 13 cent mask doesn't stop even one bad molecule from coming through.  The clown like plexiglass doesn't stop them either.  The powers to be know this.  Ignoramus Dr. Fauci knows this.  Wake up Americans.  You are being controlled and being used for experimentation to determine how compliant you will be when the Deep State determines it is time to take your guns and more of your hard earned money.  Wake up or you will lose everything.  Dave g

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