Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Are you a compliant slave of the state Test

 To determine if you are a compliant slave of the state take my test:

1.  You are a Democrat. 2.  You support Biden or Pelosi in any way. 3.  You wear a mask and are under 80 with no major health issues. 4.  You wear a mask in a vehicle. 5.  You are not a Trump supporter. 6.  You do not advocate the Constitution. 7.  You do not Stand for the U.S. flag. 8.  You follow the main stream media as your primary news source. 9.  You believe anything Pseudo Dr. Fauci says. 10.  You terrorize your children into believing Covid 19 is anything but a political hoax.   11.  You support the police officer who murdered the 14 year old USAF female who posed no threat. 12.  You are afraid to show your support to Trump or America.  13.  You support terror organizations like CAIR or the Southern Poverty Law Center.   

Now for your Score.  If you answered Yes to even  one of the above you are a compliant slave of the state and in your way to bring a Communist.

Dave Gaubatz

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