For almost 4 decades I have worked national security matters. With our govt. I obtained evidence about a particular matter and provided my predictions or analysis of the situation. This analysis was provided to all levels of our govt. to include the Whitehouse. It was up to people in much higher pay grades to me to choose courses of actions to handle major national security matters. For instance:
While in Iraq as a federal agent at the start of the war in 2003, my team and I began observing tens of thousands of Iranians pouring into southern Iraq. We obtained all evidence pertaining to this matter. We took photos, interviewed hundreds, detained many Iranians, and much more. I predicted the Iranians were responsible for the IED detonated explosions that killed many Americans and our allies. I predicted the Iranians would infiltrate Iraq and remove WMD that our govt refused to do. This intelligence was provided to the Whitehouse. It was not my position or in my job requirement to attack the Iranian govt. It was the decision of our generals and elected leaders.
In Nov 2020, a coup against our country was conducted and successfully accomplished. From within communist elite conspired to overthrow our country and our way of life. President Trump said this many times. Tv
I have for almost two decades predicted our govt would be overthrown by communists because the American people no longer have the backbone/guts to protect this beautiful country. The men of 2021 are not of the same caliber of men we had from the 1600's through WWII. I had also predicted America will fall just as many other empires have fallen for thousands of years. I predicted America will endure another civil war. I also predict America will lose and never recover. I love our country and pray I am wrong.
There are times I am called a pessimist. I am neither a pessimist or optimist. I am a simple realist. My govt trained me to look at firsthand evidence only and evaluate it. This is what I do. I do not want war of any kind. The primary people hurt in any war are the children. Have you ever seen children with their skin literally peeling away from their bodies? I did in Iraq. After a bombing children would be dead or dying in the streets and screaming for help. This hurt me very much.
So, no, I do not want a civil war in America, but because communists decided to overthrow our beautiful country, I predict this will happen. Again I pray that I am wrong.
Always after I make a prediction I am bombarded with people asking me for a solution. My friends, once I make a prediction it is often too late for a successful solution for an issue that has been building for decades. Sadly America will fall because as I mentioned gutless men have allowed our country to fall.