Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Islam is the Originator and Master of BLM/ANTIFA

Over 1400 years ago Islamic leaders, beginning with thie pseudo Prophet Mohammed  began buying and selling slaves.  It is a well known fact and part of Islamic history that Arab Muslims look down upon any other race or culture.  Arab Muslims even despise Black Muslims.  There are numerous references to this in Islamic literature.

I have served in the Middle East since the 1970's beginning with Saudi Arabia and ending in Iraq, as the first U.S. Federal Agent in country, 2003, Nasiriyah.  The Arabs freely used the 'N' word to describe blacks, to include our African American black troops.  I had many discussions with Arabs and openly they told us they hate black people and will use them whenever they can.

The Arabs told of selling blacks into America and many other countries thousands of years ago and up into the late 1900's.  They still trade in black and white slaves throughout the Islamic countries.  Slavery has never been banned within Islam.  Never.

In the United States alone I have conducted firsthand research in over 400 mosques.  Arab leaders often tell me they will allow blacks into Islam, but only to use them for their various objectives.  Arabs realize the black community currently has a lot of political clout and they will use this for their Islamic benefits.

One must always remember the ultimate objective of Islam is to have Islam in control in all parts of the world and to be under under strict Sharia law.  They will use any means to obtain this goal designed by their Allah.

Islamic leaders (Muslims) hate America and Israel.  They will do whatever it takes to destroy these two countries.  Many people believe the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA movements are either organized by intellectual black leaders or as many say that ANTIFA is an ideology and controlled by no one.

Both statements are wrong.  Islam, through Saudi Arabia controls both of them.  It is the goal of Islam to destroy America and by dividing the white and black communities this will cause the destruction of America.  Saudi and other Islamic countries pour billions into BLM and ANTIFA with the sole purpose of division.

This is done primarily at the University level.  Billions of dollars go into the pockets of Marxist/Communist professors, who then finance the costly protests and demonstrations across America.

Some say that ANTIFA is an ideology only and governed by no one.  100% incorrect.  When there is an ideology it takes people to form all aspects within.  When physical actions such as murders, rapes, blind siding seniors, veterans, children, and looting stores, hijacking cities, and committing billions of dollars of waste by arson, the ideology becomes a reality, and the reality is caused by people.

Saudi pays the professors to dilute the minds of American children and they in turn finance the destruction.  This is not a crimeless ideology as many opine.  It is a reality with real life murderers, arsonists, hijackers, and rapists behind the movement.

In American BLM/ANTIFA also have criminal politicians who hate America allowing the serious crime to take place.

My question to BLM especially.  Are you going to continue to allow Islamic leaders to use, humiliate, and destroy you, or are you going to stand up to the true people (Arab Muslims) who have used you for thousands of years and continue to do so even as the day of this article? (14 July 2021/Dave Gaubatz

Note:  I have always taught my family to love and respect people based on their kind actions and not based on one's color.  I still stand by this.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccine

 The following is my professional opinion based on working for our govt for 24 years, the majority as a U.S. Federal Agent.

1. Covid 19 was a biological weapon leaked on purpose by China, from a laboratory. I worked as a federal agent in New Mexico at Americas top laboratories.  My job was to protect the Top Secret technology being conducted at the base in Albuquerque specifically from getting in the hands of China and Russia. The work being conducted at these labs was by the best scientists in the world.

2.  Covid 19 was of course dangerous, but it was not a pandemic because 99.8% of people who contracted Covid often had no symptoms and/or very little more than a cold or flu and were healthy within a few days.

3.  Masks were more of a health risk than a medical tool to prevent someone from getting Covid.  If these 13 cent masks were beneficial then why did medical personnel working directly with Covid patients dress up in suits astronauts would be proud to wear?

4.  Covid was used as an experimental test to see how easy the worldwide population could be controlled when even a 3rd grade youngster would see the evidence presented was BS!.  Sad fact is most of the world and even so called conservative Americans fell for the scam.

5.  There is no reliable evidence the Covid vaccine works.  Actually there is more evidence to show it doesn't.  American medical personnel have had a century to develop a vaccine for the common flu, yet millions in America alone get the cold and flu, and up to 65,000 die in America alone from the flu that has a vaccine tested for decades.

6.  It is your choice to get a vaccine or not, but I will not be an experimental guinea pig for communist leaders led by Biden, Harris and Fauci. Why any intelligent person would trust a politician involved in stealing an American election and who hates this country is beyond me.

Again, if you decide to get the vaccine then do so. You should insure your decision is voluntary and you do not have Communists belittling you or scaring you into doing so.  Dave g

Monday, July 5, 2021

Prophet Mohammed The Child Rapist

 There are thousands of reasons people should avoid Islam, but I will focus on just one.  There are no disputes amongst Islamic scholars that their Prophet Mohammed married a six year old child and had sex with her.  None whatsoever.  For this one reason Islam should be outlawed and any person who advocates for child marriage/rape should be committed to an insane asylum at the least.

Portland is a 3rd World Dump

 Portland has always been a communist city, but like most cities ran by American haters, Portland is worse than most 3rd world cities.  In foreign countries you have dumps ran by illiterate communists but for the most part the citizens are good people.  Portland is different.  Not only is it a dump ran by communists, the inhabitants are for the most part trash themselves.

Sadly there are many communist dumps scattered across America.  Chicago, Detroit, all of California and many others.  What do they have in common?  They are led by liberal communists.  The truth may hurt but the truth is the truth.