Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Realistic Prepping

When shtf (shit hits the fan) it is usually too late to begin prepping for survival.  There are numerous scenarios that will place you and your family in a life or death long term scenario.  It could be an emp, natural disaster, invasion by a foreign military, govt collapse, nuclear war, etc...

There are things you should have began storing years ago, but if you haven't, start now.   As a minimum strive for one to two years of the following.  Not everything is going to be practical but do your best.

1.  Food 

2.  Water 

3.  Medicines 

4.  Shelter.  Stay in your home if possible 

5. Security items to protect you and your family. 

6.  Candles 

7.  Warm blankets 

8.  Vitamins 

9.  ATV, dirt bike, bicycles.

10.  Don't forget your pets and their needs 

11.  Form close friendships now with like-minded people in your area. 

12.  Plenty of candles 

13.  First aid items 

14.  Backpacks 

15. Silver. Gold, cash 

16.  Barter items.  Do not barter guns, food, or ammo.  You need these.  You can never have enough. 

17.  Batteries, solar power 

18.  Generators 

19.  Tools 

20.  Clothing for all types of weather 

21.  Board up your home 

22.  Start a garden. Now 

23.  Cb radios. Radios, musical instalments for morale 

24.  Build safe room 

25.  Do not discuss what you have outside your small group 

In any scenario lasting over 90 days it is almost a certainty you will lose all govt services.  Do not depend on them.  Do not trust them after six months.  Maintain your religious meetings.  Keep in mind that after 90 days over 1\3 of people will be dead.  After one year it is highly likely 90% will be dead.  No hospitals means a  quick death to most who are slightly sick or who are dependent on medicines. 

As with cave men have plenty of various methods to start a fire.  Dave g

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