For several years I have been asked the question on the matter of
President Obama being a Muslim or not. My standard answer has always
been that since Obama’s father was Muslim, so in accordance with Islam
he is Muslim. Did he leave the faith of Islam at some point? This is
the question many of us have had. Of course if he left Islam then he
would be considered an apostate. I think it is time leading
counter-terrorism folks and the media start giving clear and precise
answers in regards to what their professional opinion in about Obama
being a Muslim.It is my analysis that Obama never left the Islamic faith and is a strong and active Sunni Muslim, but of course for political reasons he can’t openly admit he is Muslim. Obama is living true Islam: deceit and hypocrisy.There are several key reasons I have come to the conclusion and can go on record that it is my professional opinion Obama is an active Sunni Muslim (Salafist).
2. It is well-known
CAIR leaders are Sunni Muslim (Salfist/Wahhabe). The mosques CAIR sponsors/supports is
Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. Leaders from this mosque frequent CAIR national as well. This mosque is a
Salafist mosque with close ties to Saudi Arabia. Muslims have told me
they call this area the ‘Wahhabe Nation of America’.3. Since Obama took office he has went a
bove and beyond to support the Muslim Brotherhood and protect the reputation of Prophet Muhammed and the Islamic ideology.4. It is no coincidence that Obama has
invited Al Sharpton to the White House almost 80 times. CAIR National selected Sharpton as their ‘Man of the Year’.
Since our book ‘Muslim Mafia’ was released in 2009, the FBI was
directed to have no contact with CAIR because of their ties to Islamic
based terrorism.
Sharpton is now CAIR’s direct contact into the White House with Obama and Eric Holder (U.S. Attorney).5. Obama’s
foreign and domestic policies have always been more aligned with Sharia law than the U.S. Constitution.6. Obama has
had Muslim Brotherhood meetings and supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Eqypt. Even the UAE has admitted CAIR is a terrorist organization.
7. Obama
bows to the King of Saudi Arabia.
8. Obama
did not attend the peace rally in Paris because the theme was targeted toward ‘Radical Islamic based terrorism’.
Of course Obama could not support this because he does not feel the
Muslims carrying out terrorist acts are radical. He believes they are
carrying out the plans of Muhammed as Islam dictates.
9. Obama has
released numerous terrorists from GITMO.
Anyone with a basic understanding of national security knows these
prisoners being released are a serious national security threat.
People will say that Obama is killing Islamic terrorist fighters in
Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, so if he is Muslim why is he doing this?
People must understand the implementation of the Islamic caliphate will
take many years. Muslims are taught from birth to support the
progression of Islam, even through deceit and giving their life.
It is my analysis
Obama has used the U.S. to attack Islamic
terrorists for propaganda purposes. They are simply collateral damage
for the betterment of Islam. Anything is allowed in Islam if it
strengthens Islam and leads to the formation of the caliphate
worldwide. It must be noted his attacks in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq,
are very limited and do little damage.
For many years
the U.S.
government provided me the highest clearances and paid me a good salary
to analyze national security issues. Many of my classified reports were
sent via the ‘Blue Line’ which meant they were briefed to the U.S.
President. I had a solid track record of being on target with my
security analysis inputs. I have no doubt I am correct when I go on record now as saying that President Obama is an active Sunni Muslim (Salafist). The next two years under Obama will be used to destroy America from the inside.
AND those of us who fully understand what is at stake,
willing to state the G-d’s honest truth – whether we live in America,
Israel or any western nation worth a damn – surely can agree with the
following too: to save the planet, the west has to kill the Muslim Third Reich!
BUT for knuckledraggers who still require edification, some
intellectual heft, this site presents one of its esteemed professorial
associates, Professor Paul Eidelberg.
Arabic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Bosnian Muslim SS-soldiers)
The Connection Between Islam and Nazism: What is to Be Done?
Paul Eidelberg and Will Morrisey
Winston Churchill defined
Mein Kampf as “the new Koran of faith and war.”[1] Consistent therewith, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious former Mufti of Jerusalem, declared,
“There is a definite similarity between the principles of Islam and the principles of Nazism.”
Hitler and Muhammad shared an enthusiasm for military adventurism and a hatred of Jews, still, their world views would seem to be diametrically opposed. Let us see.
Hitler grounds his Jew-hatred in racism as well as atheism.
His Jew-hatred flows from the sewers of nineteenth-century ‘race
theory.’ Its calculated blasphemy, its materialism (despite Hitler’s
self-described ‘idealism’), and most obviously its idolatry of a ‘master
race,’ ought to offend, and deeply offend, any serious student of the
Koran. Islam calls for the conversion of all ‘races’ to Islam, and it
does much more than merely call for such conversion—it conquers for it.
Moreover, the insistent legalism of Islam sets strict limits on any
would-be tyrant. To be sure, Islam is ‘totalistic,’ as are most
religions. Islam seeks to explain and to regulate all of human life.
This suggests that Islam is ‘totalitarian.’ Various scholars—Bernard
Lewis and Daniel Pipes among them—deny this.
One may indeed conclude that Islam is not ‘totalitarian’ in the
modern sense, since modern totalitarianism involves the all-encompassing
power of the state and the exaltation of its leader. Hence it can be
said that might does not make right for the Muslim, as it does for the
Nazi, the Communist, or the Fascist. Besides, is it not obvious that
for the Muslim God rules, not Hitler or Stalin? It may well be,
however, that
we are here dealing with half-truths which obscure Islam’s linkage to Nazism.
What links Islam to Nazism is the ethos of jihad. For both
Islam and Nazism war is not merely a means to an end: mere conquest. War
for both is a moral imperative: for the Nazi, to purge the world of
racial impurity, for the Muslim, to purge the world of religious
impurity. Both have or require an enemy: for the Muslim the ‘infidel,’ for the Nazi the ‘Jew,’ Accordingly,
Islam and Nazism aim at purifying i.e. conquering the world, and there
is no limit to the violence that may be used to achieve that aim. The
genocide perpetrated by Muslims against the Armenians preceded the
genocide the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews.
The Nazis regarded the Jews as a virus infecting mankind, something
that had to be exterminated. Although Muslims reject this racism—for a
Jew could convert to Islam—
Islam’s contempt for non-believers
has much in common with the Nazi’s contempt for non-Aryans, Jews in
particular. As in Nazism, Islam has never respected the sanctity of
human life; it has always regarded infidels, Jews or Christians, as
devoid of human rights—as subhuman. Bat Ye’or has documented
fourteen centuries of dhimmitude—the degradation and dehumanization of
countless Jews and Christians.
[3] Dhimmitude is inherent in the ethos of jihad—the most distinctive principle of Islam.
Also inherent in the ethos of jihad, but which has no parallel in Nazism, is the will to martyrdom.
The most horrific manifestation of this jihad ethos is the
homicide-suicide bomber. Islam may forbid what may be termed ‘personal’
suicide but not in the ethos of holy war. That Arab parents can exult
in their children being sacrificed as human bombs is of course
This pagan-like phenomenon indicates that the sanctity of human life is not a normative Islamic doctrine. Indeed, on page after page of the Koran¸ unbelievers are consigned to Hell—Islam’s crematoria.
If the will to martyrdom is construed in terms of sacrificing
the individual for the sake of the community, then Islam converges with
Nazism. While
Muslims exalt the umma, the Islamic nation,
Nazis exalt the volk, the Aryan race.
Lost in both is the dignity of the individual.
In Jewish law the individual stands on a par with the
community, and such is his infinite worth or dignity that he cannot
rightly be sacrificed for the sake of his community. (That Nazism
regards Jews as ‘selfish’ should be understood in this light.) The dignity of the individual has no other rational source than
the Torah’s conception of man’s creation in the image of God. Adam is an individual. It follows, given Islam’s subordination of the individual to the collective, that
Islam, like Nazism, rejects the God of the Bible! The same God also creates diverse nations, which attests to His infinite creativity.
Both Islam and Nazism reject the existence of diverse nations. Both would impose on mankind a stultifying uniformity.
The contrast with Judaism could hardly be more striking. Aside from
the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality, Judaism insists on differentiation and individuation. One nation should not impose order on others by erasing their salutary national differences.
Diversity in unity, reflected in the twelve distinctive tribes of Israel, is a basic Torah principle.
Militant nations cannot tolerate much diversity,
especially where the militancy is animated by a creed or ideology as in Islam and Nazism. In the case of Islam, its
military success and global expansion during the first hundred years of
its inception was perceived by Muslims as ‘proof’ of Islam’s validity
and superiority. Might did indeed make right, in Islamic
history. In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, the mere seizure of
state power gives religious authority to its leader even if he is not a
devout Muslim.
The ethos of jihad has an ethics which is quite pragmatic, as one may expect from a militaristic religion.
One might go so far as to say that Nazi militarism is jihad secularized—jihad without religious pretensions and obfuscations.
literary Islam and Nazism have profound differences, these are of
little significance to the victims of these militant doctrines.
The one reduces human beings to dhimmis, the other to slaves.
Militarism in a religious as well as in an atheistic creed means
expansionism, murder, and degradation.
In Islam, as well as in Christianity, belief in its founder is part
of the creed. The Jews have suffered the consequences of rejecting both.
Many if not most Christians have forgiven the Jews for their stubborn
adherence to Judaism, a religion that does not proselytize and that
seeks not external glory but internal perfection.
The Jewish
rejection of Muhammad always rankled Muslims and aroused their hatred.
But with the progress of Zionism, the Balfour Declaration, and
especially with the rebirth of Israel, fear began to take hold of Muslim
clerics and rulers. So long as Jews were dhimmis, Muslims did
not feel threatened theologically or politically. This is no longer
the case, which is why Muslim leaders throughout the world
have held conferences to confront the ‘Jewish and Zionist menace’ and have issued papers which could have been written by Nazis.
Consider, for example, a 1968 international conference of Arab
theologians held at Cairo’s Al Azhar University—Islam’s most
authoritative university.
The mufti of Lebanon referred to the Jews as the “dogs of humanity.”
They do not even constitute a true people or nation. Their evilness
has been transmitted throughout their history by means of their cultural
inheritance. By their behavior, the Jews have called forth the hatred
and persecution of all the peoples with whom they have come into
contact. They deserve their fate. As for the State of Israel, it is
the culmination of the historical and cultural depravity of the Jews.
It must be destroyed, having been established through aggression which
is its congenital and immutable nature. This must be achieved by jihad.
The participants at this conference
make no distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Their virulent statements against Jews and the State of Israel point to nothing less than
genocide and politicide.
For decades
Muslim anti-Semitism, worldwide, has outpaced those of the neo-Nazis; “what was historically a Christian phenomenon”—largely transcended—“is now primarily a Muslim phenomenon.”
[6] “The
mounting scale and sheer extent of this vehemently anti-Semitic
literature and commentary in the newspapers, journals, magazines, radio,
television, and in the everyday life of the Middle East [is
indescribable] …”
[7] Not only is Mein Kampf a
fast-selling title in the region, but even in Egypt, which has a peace
treaty with Israel, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has reappeared
on a forty-one part Egyptian television program and in recycled form in
Arab print media. And this is actually one of the least toxic of such
excrescences. Palestinian Authority TV had this to say about Jews and
Judaism: “Their Torah today is just a collection of writings in which
those people wrote lies about God, His prophets and His teachings …To
their prophets they attribute the greatest crimes: murder, prostitution,
and drunkenness. The Jews do not believe in God …” Meanwhile, in
countless mosques Muslims are poisoned by recent Islamic sermons
denigrating Jews:
“Their tongues never cease lying, [disseminating] abomination and
obscenity.… The Jews preached permissiveness and corruption, as they hid
behind false slogans like freedom and equality, humanism and
brotherhood. They kill Muslim youth, entice the [Muslim] woman with
shameful deeds, and act to lure others through her. They defile the
minds of adolescents by arousing their urges. They are envious of the
Muslim woman who conceals herself and protects her honor; for this
reason, they preach to her to expose herself and throw off her values.
Their goal is to destroy the Muslim family, to shatter religious and
social ties and foundations. They are cowards in battle. They flee from
death and fear fighting. They love life.”
“Read history and you will understand that the Jews of yesterday are
the evil forefathers of the even more evil Jews of today: infidels,
falsifiers of words, calf worshippers, prophet murderers, deniers of
prophecies. The scum of the human race, accursed by Allah, who turned
them into apes and pigs. These are the Jews—an ongoing continuum of
deceit, obstinacy, licentiousness, evil, and corruption.”
“The Jews are miserly and enslaved by money.… Most of the world’s
wars, particularly the great modern wars, were planned and started by
the Jews so as to disseminate corruption in the land, and to achieve
their goals on the ruins of the human race.”
“The Jews are defiled creatures and satanic scum…. The Jews are the
cause of the misery of the human race …. The Jews are our enemies and
hatred of them is in our hearts. Jihad against them is our worship.”
Der Sturmer is tame compared to the anti-Semitic cartoons of the Arab world.[9] Such is their hatred and loathing that Arabs depicts Jews as snakes, dogs, spiders, rats, and locusts.
A chilling example of what this zoomorphism signifies may be
gleaned from the Syrian celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Yom
Kippur War. In that ceremony, “Syrian militia trainees [male
and female] put on a show for Syrian president Hafez Assad. Martial
music reached a crescendo as Syrian teenage girls suddenly bit into live
snakes [some four or five feet long], repeatedly tearing off flesh and
spitting it out as blood ran down their chins. As Assad applauded, the
girls then attached the snakes to sticks and grilled them over fire,
eating them triumphantly. Others [militiamen] then proceeded to
strangle puppies and drink their blood.”[10]
Bearing also in mind that the Syrians exterminated some
18,000 Sunni residents of the city of Hama in 1982 with cyanide—to speak
of Arab Nazis is not to succumb to hyperbole.
Some scholars may contend that what has here been imputed to Islam
should in truth be imputed to “Islamism.” They allege that Islamism, as
distinct from Islam, twists Koranic teachings to un-Koranic uses.
candid scholar will admit that the Koran lends itself to such twists,
and much more clearly so viewed from the Sharia, Islamic law.
Robert Westrich lists Koranic verses condemning a variety of vices
imputed to certain Jews, including falsehood, distortion, cowardice,
greed, corruption of Scripture.
[11] But the fact that the
Koran condemns these vices does not preclude those influenced by the
Koran from attributing such vices to the Jews—the more readily so given
the Koran’s unrelenting degradation of non-believers.
This degradation was canonized by the Umariyah—the legal code of the seventh-century Caliph Umar—which established dhimmitude.
That dhimmitude was also construed as an act of charity or patronage
hardly minimizes its dehumanization of Jews and Christians under Muslim
rule. Indeed, as
Bat Ye’or has shown, the condition of the dhimmi was in certain respects inferior to that of a slave.
Turning to the Middle East, if distinctions are to be made between
Islam and Islamism, two are in order. First and foremost, Islamism is a
rejection of Arab nationalism and, in this respect, a return to
classical Islam. However, Islamists have been influenced by modernism,
which makes the return to classical Islam impossible. Second, Islamism
has adopted the anti-Semitic racism of Nazism.
It is easy to see exactly where Israel stands with respect both to
Arab nationalism and Islamism. Arab nationalism was always an
instrument of state-builders, just as nationalism had been in Europe.
It opposes the imperial state (except when a given nation-state decides
to take on an empire), but loyally serves whatever state the
state-builders envision. What are the Islamists, but Muslims who seek
to seize control of the apparatus of the modern state, which they
nonetheless reject as fragmenting the umma?
The existing regimes in the Islamic world are highly unlikely to
change (except for the worse) by means of internal forces—‘inside-out.’
Despotism can be quite stable, making victory out of failure. Only a
comprehensive geopolitical strategy can transform those regimes,
‘outside-in.’ [According to the first named author of this essay], such a
transformation would require the radical transformation of the United
States into an all-conquering, benevolent world power – hardly
imaginable, unless another 9/11 drove America to desperation, and
transformed this complacent democracy into a benevolent universal
despotism, something beyond the will and wisdom of the American people,
as well as beyond the secular mentality of contemporary political
DEAR readers, the above brings everything full circle. It is this site’s invaluable gift(s) to you!
re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
re-blogged at Joe For America}