Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My Message To BLM on Their Site


On 18 Aug 2020, I wrote a brief message to BLM executives (racists and bigots).  I encourage all American Patriots (Black and White) to write this group and let them know we will not be afraid and bow down to any terrorist group.  If millions of American Patriots would unite and begin letting these groups know we will stand and fight and never surrender our country.  The sad truth is most Patriots will remain silent and allow a handful of Patriots to stand up for them.  Yes, we will be putting our lives in danger because these groups are violent terrorist criminal organizations.  They seldom fight one on one.  Remember they are cowards.  They put 10 on 1.  That is the behavior of cowards.  BLM site is www.blacklivesmatter.com  Go to their contact page and send them a message.  If you do not want to do this, then please support my team.  We are currently putting undercover researchers into these groups and we will expose their criminal activity.  Respectfully, Dave Gaubatz

Letter to BLM, 18 Aug 2020
It is my belief BLM, ANTIFA, and Islamic groups are Domestic Terrorist Groups filled with haters, bigots, racists, and criminals who have the intent of destroying America.  American Patriots (black and white) will take you down legally through the U.S. Constitution.  Dave Gaubatz, Author: Muslim Mafia, Retired USAF, Retired U.S. federal agent, Active American Patriot  www.wearenotafraid.blogspot.com  Note:  The officer who held George Floyd down was wrong, but your George Floyd was high on heroin and had previously put a gun to a pregnant ladies stomach.  A piss poor example of a human.  I would like to interview any of your executive staff, if you have the guts to do so.  I will not ask freebie questions like ignorant Al Sharpton of MSNBC, but tough ones.  Like "Why does BLM support Islam?  I am an Arabic linguist and have conducted undercover operations in over 400 mosques in America alone.  Muslim Arabs openly say they use Black men and women as simple tools of Islam, but in reality they despise and look down upon black people.  I saw this 1st hand in Saudi and Iraq.  Note:  I respect all people regardless of race or religion.  I judge based on their actions.  Dave Gaubatz 276-930-1630

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